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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Feeb Alert

I’m keeping track of how far I walk, how much I elliptical and, now, how many sets of balance exercises I do each day. The bad news is that I’m walking and ellipticaling less BUT, good news, I’m doing splendidly on the balance workout front.

I’m just SO damn tired though. HOW can these new, seemingly nothing burger, routines be wearing me down. I mean, before adding in the balance shit, I was walking 3/4 of a mile in one go. 20 minutes at a time on the elliptical was no biggie (though 25 was def way too much). Now? A half mile walk and 10-15 elliptical minutes and I’m seriously burnt toast.

Motherfucking balance exercise horseshit. I’m two weeks in on this addition and simply exhausted. Maybe it’s the heat/humidity? (it IS July—hottest month of the year and shit) Possibly this is age related? (I AM in my mid-60s after all) Could be that I’m still in transition—adjusting to the added activity. Possibly all three are fueling my enervation?

I swear, by the time I’m done recovering/rehabbing from my two year surgery-a-thon, I’ll be due for a fresh set of neuro slice-ups OR I’ll be dead. Ya know, one or the other.

I’m gettin’ tired way past where sleep rests me.
~ John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath

But the Rusty Old Engine sighed: ‘I am so tired. I must rest my weary wheels. I cannot pull even so little a train as yours over the mountain. I can not. I can not. I can not.
~ Watty Piper, The Little Engine That Could

If being lazy was an Olympic sport, I would totally win the bronze.
~ Kevin Molesworth, The Rudman Conjecture on Quantum Entanglement

Maybe this isn’t laziness on my part. Maybe what I need is a full day off. This should include time away from being afraid—afraid that if I fail to push myself very hard, I’ll never achieve unassisted walkies.

I will though. 

By the by, pics are from Jen. I was too shattered, from brushing my teeth, washing my face and pulling on my shorts and sneaks, to manage a stroll down to the seawall. How utterly feeble is that?!

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