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Sunday, July 9, 2023

Sleep This Way

Went to sleep last night and woke this morning with Aerosmith in my head. NO, I’m not talking about Sinclair Lewis’ book Arrowsmith which, incidentally, I have not read. For that matter, I’ve not read any of his work and had confused him with Upton Sinclair of The Jungle   fame. Emmm, clearly I’m easily confused.

Back to Aerosmith though—I was never much of a fan though I absolutely LOVED Dream On (possibly I've confused this with Dream Weaver? Deaf now, no way to check). Apart from that the band struck me as a less sophisticated, more pop/commercial Rolling Stones. Hey, contemporary music-wise, I was into prog and folk rock way back then. ‘scuse the fuck outta me!

When I was working in downtown Boston in the early to mid ‘80s, Joe Perry, the band’s founding member, lead guitarist and co-songwriter, lived next door in a glossy, lux high rise. Two of my co-workers were huge Aerosmith fans and, when it was slow, would stand near the front window hoping for a Perry sighting. So close to drool worthy fame!

Meanwhile, Jen was in high school in a town down near the start of the Cape. She was stocking shelves at a big grocery store when Tyler and his wife came in to shop. Imagine that, big rock/pop stars shopping for their very own groceries! They don’t have servants for that—ya know, to spare them from having to interact with the hoi polloi? Anyway, she said he was dressed in pink spandex pants and draped with scarves JUST LIKE ON STAGE! So, his hot performance style is just his everyday sartorial statement? Oh YEAH, Babies!

These are my ultra long distance brushes with fame. Fascinating, no?

So, what tunes were playing in my head as I drifted off to LaLa Land?

Dude (Looks Like a Lady)
which, on reading the lyrics, strikes me as a fun but way less poetic version of Lou Reed’s Walk on the Wild Side.

Walk this Way which I always liked but, the version they did with Run DMC RULED.

That’s it. I’m now going to tunelessly hum Dream On (or Dream Weaver?), randomly slipping the phrase ‘dude looks like a lady’ into conversations and occasionally shouting WALK THIS WAY, all day. Feel free to send your sympathies and more serious musical vibes to Jen, Ten and Oni (who are SUFFERING here).

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