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Thursday, August 24, 2023

Ain't Life Grand

Is anyone on the planet at all surprised that Prigozhin, the head of the mercenary Wagner Group, died in an horrific "accident?"

Since his short-lived mutiny against Russia's top military commanders, whom he had repeatedly criticised for their strategy in Ukraine, Prigozhin had kept a relatively low profile.

Under a deal to end the rebellion, charges against him were dropped on the understanding that he relocate to Belarus. 

He appeared to do so, albeit briefly, and on his own terms. (source)

Does any sane human have doubts that, after Wagner went a bit rogue, Pooty-Poot arranged/ordered this?

Roman Saponkov, a war reporter thought to be linked to Wagner…argued that the group’s chief had been assassinated. (source)
Yeah, DUH and Mister Saponkov might want to take a long-ass holiday in an undisclosed foreign locale before Cheeto’s role model gets to him too.

Cindy Dees, author and former Air Force pilot, had this (amongst other things) to say:
Having seen amateur video of Prigozhin’s going down, falling vertically in what resembled a slow flat spin and concluding with the plane pitching about 85 degrees nose low, before it disappeared behind the trees, that was a shot down plane.
ERJ-is 135’s have nice, fat wings that want to fly. They aerodynamically want to recover from stalls. Which is to say, there’s basically no way that plane stopped moving forward and fell vertically 28,000 feet to the ground in a simple “stall.” That plane would’ve recovered from a stall in more like 1,000 feet lost altittude. Even if it lost both engines it would have come down to the ground like a glider, not a lawn dart. (source)
Go to the link—read the rest of her analysis
Make no mistake, Prigozhin was NOT a Good Guy™. Of the two disturbingly vile, psycho death merchants (the other being Pooty, of course), Prigozhin is the one who was able to read the goddamn writing on the wall. Russia’s losing in Ukraine. Badly. All the invasion of Ukraine is accomplishing is the accelerated creation of more dead Russians.

Initially, most of Wagner's mercenaries were recruited from Russia's elite regiments and special forces units, and were thought to have totalled about 5,000.

In 2022, Prigozhin recruited prisoners from Russian jails to fight for Wagner in Ukraine, in exchange for pardons. In June, he said the group had 25,000 fighters

Wagner forces have also been operating on contracts in Syria and in African countries such as Mali, the Central African Republic, Sudan and Libya. (source)

Those prisoner soldiers? Yeah, the ones who survive aren’t going back to Mother Russia as transformed model citizens. They're bringing all their innate sadistic bullshit, along with what they've learned in war, home. Russia—now even more whacked out than Florida.

So, Vladimort strikes yet again and, BONUS, gives his biggest fanbois, Cheeto, a mushroom stiffy. Ain’t life grand?

1 comment:

  1. So it sounds like that you have evidence that he was actually on the plane that went down, if he was on a plane, and that plane went down, so could you post the link here? Surely you don't believe anything the MSM tells you without doing your own research. Remember, the people who are telling you this are the same ones who killed JFK in broad daylight in front of hundreds of people and told you that a lone gunman did it even though an existing film tells you that was impossible.
