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Thursday, August 31, 2023

Dinner and a Show

Last night, for our weekly Wednesday teevee and takeout time, Jen picked up grub from a new (new to us anyway) restaurant. Here’s the shocking bit—the joint’s vegan! You might be thinking, you live near (ultra near) a major northeastern coastal city—of course you have a bazillion vegetarian and vegan options.

Noperino, not on Boston’s South Shore. Even the mac and cheese has meat in it (bacon). On a few occasions I’ve even encountered waitstaff who’ve pointed out chicken dishes when I’ve inquired about vegetarian options. CHICKEN!

The eatery's menu is geared more toward lunch or on-the-go type food rather than formal dining BUT, as the menu states: all items are vegan with vegetarian upon request. This is a huge step for us meat eschewers on the South Shore.

Mind you, it’s certainly possible to order vegetarian meals at one of the numerous Chinese, Thai, Korean, Japanese, Indian or Mediterranean eateries here BUT, if all I want is a simple black bean burger and fries, I’ve been shit outta luck.

The Garden Patch has a lot of fake meat offerings—not just veggie burgers. I really don’t need or want a vegan steak bomb or a vegan chicken parm sub. Those are entertaining, if not captivating, options though. Having said that, I’m def gonna need to check out their “shrimp” scampi and “crab” cakes next time.

What did we get last night? Empanadas, jalapeƱo "mozzarella" sticks and “fish” tacos.  Definitely worthwhile.

What about our teevee viewing? We decided to rewatch Crazyhead (which, tragically ran for just one brief, glorious season).
Bowling alley worker Amy and nonconformist Raquel kick some serious demon butt while also facing their inner demons as they navigate their early 20s. (source)
One of the things I absolutely love about a lot of shows out of the U.K. is that the actors often look like real people. They’re not all ultra thin, white, conventionally attractive, sporting awesome make up and rocking perfect hair (even after a fight scene). Think Charmed and Buffy versus Misfits, Being Human or, ya know, Crazyhead.

It’s a relief (and unusual) to see humans on screen who have actual flaws. Granted, if all the actors looked like MAGAts I wouldn’t watch either but, c'mon, there's a mid-ground between Tom Ellis and this. Fer fuck’s sake, how about a little on U.S. screen representation for those of us less blessed by Aphrodite and Adonis?                   

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