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Saturday, October 7, 2023


I’m back from an early walk along the seawall. There were people (and a large dog) walking toward Jen and I so I put on my face mask. 

There were three of them. As they drew closer, did they change up to walk single file versus three abreast? The sidewalk’s relatively thin after all. There’s no fucking way, unless we all walked single file, that five people, a big-ass hound AND my rollator would fit. Certainly not with smart six foot social distancing.

No, these entitled dicks and dickettes did NOT graciously move so that we could all walk on the sidewalk AND avoid ultra intimate contact. Before they came within COVID spreading distance, Jen, my walker and I moved up onto the grass verge (this simple act was challenging for me and my wonk-ass balance).

As we waited for them to pass, one of the women turned, gave us a finger wave (no, not that finger) and cluelessly said ‘morning.’ 'Morning' to you too, you social nimrod, I responded but only in my head.

Yeah, I’m now in a people loathing mood. I think I’ll pop Alien in the player and cheer for the xenomorphs.
I’m wondering if or, better still, WHEN Cheeto will be picked up for his latest masturbatory treasonous act. You know, the one where he showed off nuclear sub info to an Australian billionaire guest at his Mar-a-Douchebag golf hotel.

Look how special and ultra impressive I am—I know ultra sekret nuclear stuff! Here, lemme show you!
I guess we can just add any, oopsie, dead secret agent men and women to the fluorescent fraud’s idiotic, weasel brained, banjaxed handling of COVID. Trump enhanced that death toll by 461,000. That’s ~41% of total American deaths, all due to the tangerine twat’s heinous cretinism.
Today is National (possibly International) Stay At Home with Your Cat, Drink Hot Toddies and Read Day. Okay, I maybe made that up based on a meme I saw about dogs and wine. I say, you observe the day how you want. Me? Cake and I will be in bed with a hot, throat soothing bev and a Piers Anthony book.

When I feel bad, I just look at my cats and my courage returns.
~ Charles Bukowski

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