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Saturday, December 16, 2023

Tidbits From Hell

It's been a hell of a week.

Will Rudy Colludy pay? Does he even have $148m? He could do Beg-a-Thon rallies like his tangerine hued lord and master except…except this talking assbrain has negative amounts of charisma and charm—even for the dimbulbed, easily fleeced MAGAt crowd. He'd have to pay people to show up and, even then, he'd only raise enough buckos for a cup of gas station coffee.

I suppose Rudy could, mebbe, get a job at Four Seasons Total Landscaping to help pay off the enormous debt to Ms. Shay and Ms. Freeman.

Former Trump campaign attorney Rudy Giuliani has been ordered to pay a staggering $148 million to two former Georgia election workers he spread lies about following the 2020 election.

Jurors heard numerous violent and racist voicemails the women received, after Giuliani used his massive platform as a campaign attorney for Trump to spread lies about their actions as election workers in Georgia
. (source)
Elsewhere in Cheeto the Crook World:
A binder containing highly classified information related to Russian election interference went missing at the end of Donald Trump’s presidency, raising alarms among intelligence officials that some of the most closely guarded national security secrets from the US and its allies could be exposed, sources familiar with the matter told CNN. (source)
How much you wanna bet the binder’s buried at 45’s shitty golf course and ex-wife cemetery OR is in the top drawer of Putin’s desk?

Meanwhile, James Comer (Idiot-KY) is still trying to fuck that ridiculous impeachment chicken. This despite his own witnesses AND Chuck fucking Grassley publicly stating that there's NO bloody evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors. What a fucking clown!

Earlier this past week Evita Casey DeSantis, in an apparent bid to prop up her doltish, socially repellent husband’s failing campaign, encouraged massive voter fraud. She’s now shown that, beyond any doubt, she’s every bit as dimwitted and skeevy as her spouse. Honestly, I’m becoming convinced that the two of them are aliens whose only exposure to humanity has been through Lost in Space. They think Doctor Zachary Smith is a respected role model.

Last for today—Granny Gunhumper, in this image, was apparently sizing up her next public sex partner. Clearly she didn’t get the memo—dude doesn't swing her way. I'm sure he enjoys the attention though. Also, NO, the glasses don't make you look smart/less imbecilic.

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