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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

It's Funny

It's funny to see the two imbeciles at the top of the raging anti-immigrant party’s ticket. One is married to a mail order porn model from Slovenia (who, after becoming a sleazy rich man's trophy wife, moved her parents here). 

First lady Melania Trump's Slovenian-born parents were sworn in as U.S. citizens Thursday, benefiting from a path to citizenship known as family-based immigration that the president and others have derisively dubbed "chain migration."
The lawyer acknowledged that the Knavses had obtained citizenship via the very pathway that their son-in-law, the president, has so publicly denounced. 

The other is married to an “anchor baby” whose parents came over from the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.

But yeah, screw the rest of them poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

It’s funny to see Elon Musk, an immigrant, contribute (or, rather, claim that he will contribute) $45 million a month to an elderly, dementia riddled, adjudicated rapist and convicted felon, presidential candidate who opposes electric vehicles. Does Space Karen remember that he’s the CEO of a company that makes electric cars and trucks?

It’s funny to see all the “she’s not fit to be president because she’s never given birth” faux indignation and outrage from the right. Are they claiming that the 46 preceding uterus-free presidents all gestated some offspring? Neat trick, eh?

Here are five presidents who not only didn’t grow their own, neither did their wives or mistresses:
Georgia Washington
James Polk
Warren Harding
James Buchanan
Andrew Jackson

Was Washington, having neglected to birth any babies, unfit to be the first president? He and his wife, Martha, owned 317 human beings. Slaves. Does that count? Only if you’re a right wing fantasist. I’m guessing Georgey Boy never taught any of his slaves how to ride a bike or tie their shoelaces.

Ya know, by Republican’s own “logic” Von ShitzenPantz is utterly unqualified for the highest office. He’s never given birth and, on top of that, reports paint him as the world’s shittiest dad. (Yeah, absolutely ZERO surprise there).

It’s funny how the standard-bearers of the White Purity Party slather themselves in bronzers and other makeup. It’s almost like they aren’t as thrilled about their pasty-ass skin color as they claim. They’re also big on Botox, have frequent plastic surgeries and love their uniform Fox newsreader blonde bleach jobs. These are some deeply insecure people who all seem to suffer from body dysmorphic disorder. Despite his elaborate (and badly applied) makeup and the hairdo from Hell, Donnie Demento may be the only party member who’s actually pleased with his appearance. I suspect this is because he’s mistaken those ridiculous, sloppily photoshopped NFTs for a mirror.

And here’s a truly amusing bit:

Former President Donald Trump donated not once but twice to re-elect Kamala Harris as the attorney general of California.

California records show that Trump contributed $5,000 in September 2011 toward Harris' 2014 reelection campaign, and followed up with another $1,000 in February 2013. His daughter Ivanka Trump also donated to the campaign, contributing $2,000 in 2014. (source)

I wonder if either of these flimflamming fools are able to grasp the irony. Nah. They’d need an ounce of self-awareness and half a brain to see it. While they’re both talented, if sloppy as fuck, grifters neither is burdened by cognizance or introspection.

Found online. I don't know who the artist is. I NEED this on a T-shirt!

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