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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Clowns to the Right of Me

dishonest and insincere

     feigned, deceitful, shifty
   Noun form:
     lying sack of shit

Hillbilly Himmler (AKA JD Wentworth, JD Flaccid, The Ohio Couch-Fucker, Fauxbilly, Shillbilly, Eyeliner Boy, JD Vance) is hilariously bad at political hit jobs. He tried to paint VP Harris as a welfare queen who’s spent her life living off government buckos.

A) the original assholian trope is based on the fever dream fairy tale that Black women have mobs of kids all by different fathers. Didn’t Shillbilly, just the day before, claim that Kamala wasn’t fit to be president because she’d never had children?

Which is it, you bully-for-a-buck micro-dick? She’s either a childless traitor to humanity or a lazy-ass, welfare scamming, birthing machine. Also, our future president has two stepchildren. The, now adult, kids call her Momala which is incredibly adorable.

B) Where have the fauxbilly fuck’s paychecks been coming from and who paid for his post secondary school education? Goodness me, JP's been living most of his life off the government dime? What's that you say? He's a foul, smelly hypocrite? Who could've guessed? (all of us, that's who!)
I’ve read that the Tangerine Twunt and his party of fascist sycophants are having buyer’s remorse re: The Eyeliner Kid. Gee, it’s a shame that they must now carry JD Couch-Fucker to term. Yes, even though that will put the life of the motherfucker (TFG and the rest of the Gangrenous Old Party) at extreme risk. Oh well...

Probably they should’ve just made better choices or kept their slutty knees together. I wonder what Dementia Don and the GOP were wearing when they spoke with the Ohio Player and his billionaire Silicon Valley backers. I mean, maybe the Gangrenous Old Party AND Von ShitzenPantz got what they deserved for playing fast and loose with reality.

It’d be irresponsible not to speculate. Ya know?
Trump campaign officials acknowledged that Trump selected the inexperienced Vance, charged with all his techno-authoritarian ideas, to boost support among their own base, not extend a hand to swing voters… (source

Daft Donnie only hires/picks the best people, right? Did his team just find out that his fauxbilly fuck veep choice is a foreign agent? a Russian spy? This seems to happen a lot with Sleepy Don's picks. Maybe tfg is too old for presidenting and needs to bow out.

Questions for our next president:

  • Do we know how she feels about Hannibal Lecter? Is it true that they used to be an item? Why is she hiding this from us, the voters?
  • Batteries! Aren’t there caravans of electric Chinese boats ferrying batteries over the border from Canada AS WE SPEAK?
The Republican Party has become a ridiculous joke. They're seriously rolling-on-the-floor laughable now. They're a Saturday Night Live by way of Monty Python skit. What's sad is that so many otherwise functional Americans will still vote for them.

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