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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Peeves and Other Annoyances

A relatively minor irritation—when an author sets a story in a city/world they’ve created and all the names for people or places are four and more syllables long. Every damn time the name comes up I fumble over it and try to puzzle out how it can or should be pronounced. This takes me completely out of the story’s flow.

Sure, it’s the writer’s universe, their creation. They can name the cities, planets, people and businesses whatever they want. I’m a bright babe. I’ll eventually come up with a reasonable guess as to how a new word should be said and stop my inner linguistic debate.

I’m nearly 3/4 through my current read though and still wondering how Chersenesos and Tonfamecasca should be verbalized.
Annoyance level: ★★
I’ve never been into makeup or big skincare routines. I’m regretting that now. Not my eschewal of face paint—it’s the lifetime of wildly irregular moisturizing that I feel bad about. The skin on my arms, before I rub in a pint of hempseed oil, looks like a dust bowl era dead wheat field in Kansas.
Annoyance level: ★★★★
People with perfect, bright, Hollywood closeup-ready teeth piss me off. I totally understand the wish to have straight, not terribly yellowed teeth. I’d like some of that action myself. It’s the glaring, gameshow host fluorescence that irks the fuck outta me.

This 21st century fad of having your teeth bleached to a blinding neon shade of white is just flat out weird. My very first thought, when someone flashes blazing fang is, “what is this fucker selling?” I’m instantly on guard, on the lookout for sly boots sales pitches and flimflams.

Also, I only mention it but, a decent, healthy set of teeth ain’t cheap. Medical insurance, here in the U.S., doesn’t cover dental needs. The price of a routine cleaning plus x-rays ranges from $200 to $500. Need a root canal? That’ll run you $1,100 to $1,900 per tooth. Bleaching? Add another $400 to $800.

Only the well off can afford a full set of strong, attractive teeth.
Annoyance level: ★★★★★★
The immediate go-to insult for Moscow Madge and Coke Junior’s always-a-fiancĂ©-never-a-bride, la Gargoyle, is that they’re men in bad drag. WTF?!

There were a zillion failed wits online yesterday claiming the reason la Gargoyle reached up her own skirt (it’s on video and, yes, truly odd) during Crazy Donnie’s lies and stream-of-conscious-a-thon, was because she had to scratch her balls. C’mon! There’s no shortage of solid, serious things on which to mock these miscreants and this is what the jokesters hone in on?

Having said that, I find it fascinating how similar Madge and Hulk Hogan look. They could be brother and sister.
Annoyance level: ★★
I can’t get Ethiopian food outside of Boston. Mind you, Valhalla borders the city but the closest restaurant is still at least a 20 drive away. This blows.
Annoyance level: ★★★★
Stupid headline brought to us by the BBC.

Inches from death: An hour that shook America (no linky because the title is just TOO insane)

FFS, it looks like the BBC is now in the tank for Don the Con too. America was not, by any stretch of the imagination, “shook.” Disappointed, yes.

At this point I think it’s clear to everyone, except his most dimwitted cult members (you know, the morons who go to his rallies/wank fests) that the pumpkin headed grifter is descending way down into the deep end of dementia. We’ve entered Weekend at Bernie's territory, only Von Shitzenpantz’s body is still breathing. His brain? His mind? Yeah, that’s burnt babbling toast.

The billionaire class, who own the big media outlets, are propping him up, promoting the despot worshipping tool, the aspiring dictator. They’re doing it for the tax breaks, the money making page views, the power trip highs they get from creating versus simply reporting the news.
Annoyance level: ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

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