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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Cringe is the New Weird

Worm-Brain, Bear-Cub-Abusing, Dog-Eating, Sex-Assaulting Kennedy is dropping his bid for the presidency. He’s going to “address the nation” on “all social channels” tomorrow afternoon.

The man’s a grossly entitled clown who made the mistake of confusing his famous name, inherited wealth and skin color with intelligence, self-awareness, compassion and practical knowledge—qualities he sorely lacks.
Oh and he’s planning on endorsing the mini mushroom wannabe dictator. Of course he is.

What are these “social channels” on which Worm-Brain will make his announcement? WB will have video up on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn and such. The man who’s only notable accomplishment is being born into a family of smart, highly respected martyrs is ending his oligarch funded, ego-fellating campaign via TikTok and Facebook. How embarrassing for him. Junior's a trainwreck of cringe.

For as much as I’m online, I think I’ll miss out on this self-imposed humiliation. I suspect that, apart from his one or two anti-vaxxer supporters and folks looking for a schadenfreude fix, most people will.

As the saying goes, this isn’t a train station—there’s no need to announce your departure, Bobby.
From Barack Obama’s Tuesday night speech:

One thing is for certain: Donald Trump is not losing sleep over these questions. This is a 78-year-old billionaire who hasn’t stopped whining about his problems since he rode down his golden escalator nine years ago. It’s been a constant stream of gripes and grievances that’s actually gotten worse now that he’s afraid of losing to Kamala. The childish nicknames and crazy conspiracy theories and weird obsession with crowd size. It just goes on and on. The other day, I heard someone compare Trump to the neighbor who keeps running his leaf blower outside your window every minute of every day. (source)
Yup. Donnie Demento’s that guy, at work or on your block, who you make every effort to avoid. He does nothing but bitch, piss and moan about everyone who doesn’t go out of their way to make his life easier. He’s the creep who leers at your 10 year old daughter, kicks your dog when he thinks you’re not looking and drunkenly sets off M-80s during the entire first week of July (and gets all bitter and belligerent if you politely ask him to stop). He's nothing but a whiny bully.
From Tim Walz’s speech last night. If you didn’t watch, go read the whole thing—it’s awesomely inspirational.

We’ve got something better to offer the American people. It starts with our candidate, Kamala Harris. From her first day as a prosecutor, as a district attorney, as an attorney general, as a U.S. senator, and then, as our vice president, she’s fought on the side of the American people. She’s taken on predators and fraudsters. She’s taken down transnational gangs. She’s stood up to powerful corporate interests. She’s never hesitated to reach across the aisle if it meant improving lives. And she’s always done it with energy, passion, and joy.
That’s how we’ll keep moving forward. That’s how we’ll turn the page on Donald Trump. That’s how we’ll build a country where workers come first, health care and housing are human rights, and the government stays the hell out of our bedrooms. That’s how we make America a place where no child is left hungry. Where no community is left behind. Where nobody gets told they don’t belong. (source)
I am so goddamn happy that Harris chose him as her running mate.
Mo Husseini (writer and ”zealous evangelist for the (curiously under-appreciated truth that empathetic strategies, designs, and creative ideas can change the world”) posted this yesterday on Threads:

Something President Obama said prompted a fuzzy memory in my mind and after much searching I found it…

It’s a beautiful line from Cicero, “Quid est enim libertas? Potestas vivendi, ut velis.” “Then, what is freedom? The ability to live, as you wish.

Yes. THIS!

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