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Thursday, October 24, 2024

Newton's First

I’m tired. I’m unfathomably weary...fucking beat!

Why? *gestures all around* Apart from the whole threat of democracy being murdered by the fascist Republican Party who do nothing but lie, gaslight, and pervert the Constitution? Aside from the Hitler-wannabe Trojan Clown candidate who wants generals who are faithful to him, not the country? Besides that smirking fuck who’s just waiting in the wings for his moment to shiv us all, including his boss?

Oh…gee. Nothing at all except for, maybe, the fact that I’m still recovering and rehabbing from the six massive neurosurgeries I’ve had over the last six years (three brain, three spine for those of you playing the home game). How much longer do I push, struggle, and grind before I see some significant improvement? (and by significant, I mean being able to walk a half mile without support. Yes, my hopes and goals are high. Are they unrealistic?)

Yes, yez, I am fully aware that I might be too hard, exacting, and unforgiving of myself. I’m also conscious of the fact that I tend toward laziness. Me and Newton's First Law of Motion are besties.
An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force. (source)
It’s gonna be a nice day today—partly cloudy, mid 60s, not windy. Good day for a long (for me) walk, right? Ah, maybe not. Yesterday, I was weaker, lurching, generally unsteady and unable to walk as far. Seemed like a flashing neon sign saying TAKE A DAY OFF

I’ve been trying, with success, to work my way up to five days a week (versus four) of walking and ellipticalling. This week, I’ve done three days in a row of exercise. I can take today off and *BOOM* still have another free day over the weekend.

BUT I’m an object (okay, a human) who needs to stay in motion lest I lose inertia. I’m afraid to pause because I may not get up and moving again. Of course, if I don’t rest, I’m liable to fall or otherwise hurt myself. To put this in strict medical terms—that would suck
velociraptor wang.

How can I take a rest from walking and ellipticalling without throwing a spanner in my upward and onward progress? My improvement/advances have been glacially slow but they DO exist—can't afford to lose them. I could do the in place exercises that my physical therapist, Judy has shown me. They’re tedious. They don’t seem to matter but that’s bullshit—I know they make a difference. They help my strength levels and balance.

What am I learning with this endless rehab process? I’d make a great paperweight. Ya know, ornamental, stationary yet still, somehow, useful.

An object at rest remains at rest. Will I get up and going today. It remains to be seen.

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