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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Mushroom Envy

That burnt orange hued shit pile is the head of the Republican Party. What trump spews represents the whole lot of them, right? I mean, Newt Gingrich taught them all to march in lockstep like the little Nazis they are. Given Dipshit Donnie’s recent stand-up routine in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, it seems clear that Yamtits and his entire party are ridiculously obsessed with men’s junk. The entire party has a severe case of penis envy.

Is this what a second trump term will look like? (now with extra added senility!) The entire fucktangle of Republicans will be incapable of thinking about anything but dicks. That is, when they’re not focused on turning women into nothing more than fuckable livestock.

How much you wanna bet that, IF Penis Envy Perv wins:

  • The Macy’s Day Parade floats will all be giant wangs.
  • The Superbowl halftime show? It’ll be Von ShitzenPantz doing his two fisted jerk off dance, flanked by a squad of high kicking, dancing shvantzes.
  • Fourth of July fireworks shows? They’ll all be pyrotechnic salutes to golfers with blue whale sized dongs.
  • Christmas? Say goodbye to that star or angel that, in less insane times, topped your tree. Under the new regime, by edict of King Mushroom Dick I, only a proper white portobello mushroom peen tree topper will do.

Meanwhile, House Speaker Mike “Johnson” (snicker, snicker) can’t get through an interview without crying (and lying) like a tantruming toddler.

Tapper didn’t let Johnson stonewall him. “I’m sure that you think that a policy debate would be better than a personality debate, but if President Biden had gone onstage and spoke about the size of a pro golfer’s penis, I think you would be on this show right now saying you were shocked and appalled and you would suggest it was evidence of his cognitive decline,” the host said.
The two then got into a back and forth until Johnson snipped, “I’ll address it. Let me answer it, OK? Don’t say it again. We don’t have to say it. I get it.
“Don’t say it again. We don’t have to say it.” It seems the GOP House Speaker Johnson (who tasked his own teen son with monitoring his porn habit—seems a bit inappropriate AT MINIMUM. Maybe that’s just me?), is incapable of an honest discussion of Dear Leader’s utterly bizarre speech.

As Sundae Divine said on Threads:
“Jake Tapper said “penis” so many times when he interviewed Mike Johnson yesterday that Johnson’s son got a notification on his phone.”
It undoubtedly is.

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