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Sunday, February 2, 2025

Mother’s Little Helper

I was never a big Rolling Stones fan. I think, mostly, it was because I just couldn’t take Mick Jagger seriously. I found his stage theatrics annoying—for me they took away from the music. Still, if I just listened to the tunes, didn’t watch performance clips, I could appreciate a bunch of their offerings.

The only album I ever bought was Let It Bleed. Keith Richard’s 1988 solo album Talk Is Cheap was brill and more in line with my own rather broad tastes.

Still, I occasionally get a Stones song stuck on the old internal turntable. Last night, it was Mother’s Little Helper.
Doctor please, some more of these
Outside the door, she took four more
What a drag it is getting old

"Life's just much too hard today"
I hear ev'ry mother say
The pursuit of happiness just seems a bore
And if you take more of those, you will get an overdose
No more running for the shelter of a mother's little helper
They just helped you on your way, through your busy dying day
I’m only now reading that the pill they were talking about was Valium. All these decades (the song came out almost 60 years ago!) I figured it was speed because OF COURSE it was. How else would an overwhelmed mother keep up with her 24/7 housewifery?

Was thinking about speed and getting old last night. Warum? On Friday I had a flu vaccine. For the first time ever, it knocked the shit outta me. C’MON! This was a weenie little flu shot and I’m tired to the point of napping? I didn’t feel up to ellipticalling OR doing my strength and balance exercises yesterday and this morning, almost 48 hours post shot, my arm hurts? NOT FAIR!

Would I take a Black Beauty if I had one? No. I quit recreational drug indulgence (this doesn’t include weed, OK?!) in my early 20s. Hells bells, I don’t even drink coffee or caffeinated tea anymore. Why not? It fucks with my sleep too much.

I’m real keen on the wisdom I’ve gained with age BUT, all the same, what a drag it is getting old.

I only mention it but Mick and Keef were in their early 20s when they wrote Mother’s Little Helper. ‘the fuck did they know about getting old? Maybe they just had a whole fuckton of empathy.

 Anyway, here—have some pics!


  1. One of my brothers worshiped The Rolling Stones and thought I was crazy for not feeling the same way. He'd get mad when I told him that to me they weren't that special. I do like a few of their songs but nothing I would save to my MP3 player. Yes, I still have one and use it. Out of at least two-hundred songs on my play list I only actually paid for five.
