I just started a novel about time travel—The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley.
In the near future, a civil servant is offered the salary of her dreams and is, shortly afterward, told what project she’ll be working on. A recently established government ministry is gathering “expats” from across history to establish whether time travel is feasible—for the body, but also for the fabric of space-time. (source)Before getting even one page in, my mind drifted off to the oft asked question, “if you could go back in time and kill Hitler, would you?”

No, I wouldn’t assassinate anyone even though absolutely no tears would be shed if these vile, human shaped, demonic barbarians were offed. However, if someone else with harsher methods got there first? I’d find a reason to be elsewhere. Me? I’d be more inclined to divert the baddie’s life paths from an early age.
What IF Hitler’s overly doting mother, Klara Pözl Hitler, (who’d been knocked up by her MUCH older second cousin), had given him up to an emotionally stable and balanced family? What if the future genocidal freak had been allowed, from an early age, to indulge his love of theater and art? He’d probably have been a crap artist no matter what but maybe not a killer.
I can be persuasive. I’ll bet I could’ve talked Klara into doing the right thing.
What IF Mary Anne MacLeod, Captain Shit-for-Brain’s mum, had never come over from Scotland? I get that World War I had devastated her village on the Isle of Lewis. She left to find a better, easier life. How about this—she meets some hot dude with a good job while she’s living in Glasgow. She doesn’t emigrate to the US and doesn’t meet the KKK riot loving, rich Fred Trump.
Surely, if I could time travel back to 1920s Glasgow, I could fix her up with some nice young man. Right?What IF instead of going into medicine (and torture and murder) Josef Mengele, the “Angel of Death,” followed a career path in his other field of study—anthropology. Maybe, just maybe, I could have talked him into going on archeological digs in Scotland, Sudan, Iran, and Oregon.
Archeology, after all, is often termed as "anthropology of the past.” C’mon, who wouldn’t be utterly fascinated by a good dig?
How about Leopold II King of the Belgians?
The Belgian king Leopold II was a nasty piece of work. He deserves inclusion in this list by what happened in Congo, which he acquired as his private property in 1885 in the Berlin Conference when much of Africa was divided among European powers. From the beginning, he was in it for the money, extracting maximum amount of wealth from this huge colony. Millions of Congolese inhabitants, including children, were mutilated, killed, or died from disease during his rule. Failure to meet rubber collection quotas was punishable by death. Forced labor was instituted to increase production. Around 10 million people died during his brutal regime in Congo. (source)
A man born into a royal family who has always known immense wealth, prestige, and power…dunno. I suspect there’s not much, if anything at all, that time traveler me could do to derail his horrific crimes against humanity. Maybe this particular megalomaniac could be stranded on some deserted island off the coast of Greenland? Maybe a crew of orcas could waylay his boat as he sails to Africa? Possibly he meets up with a Lemony Snicket-ish unfortunate series of event? Unalivement doesn’t have to ensue but derailment from his crime spree MUST go down with extreme prejudice.
I’m wondering how long it’ll be before Trump/Musk start up the forced labor camps for all who lack the correct skin color, aren’t rich and/or dare to oppose them. When will they begin medical experiments?
Senator Wyden wrote in a new letter: “To put it bluntly, these payment systems simply cannot fail, and any politically-motivated meddling in them risks severe damage to our country and the economy. I am deeply concerned that following the federal grant and loan freeze earlier this week, these officials associated with Musk may have intended to access these payment systems to illegally withhold payments to any number of programs. I can think of no good reason why political operators who have demonstrated a blatant disregard for the law would need access to these sensitive, mission-critical systems … (source)

Make no mistake your MAGA hats, gold sneakers and faithful rally attendance won’t save you.
Americans don’t want an unelected and unaccountable billionaire dictating what working families can and cannot afford. If Musk is going to continue running the government like one of his failed businesses, perhaps someone should force his “resignation” too. (source)
I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.
~ Clarence Darrow
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