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Friday, July 19, 2013

Klondike Sushi

Sadly, larger than life size
All I feel like eating, in this vilely depraved heat, is sushi and mint chocolate chip Klondike Bars. I blame The Amazing Bob -- he turned me on to them. The Klondike Bars not the sushi. My long time pal, Cynthia Quilici revealed the glories and wonders of sushi to me. I wasn’t sold at first but, boyhowdy, I’d eat it every day/every meal now if I could.

Here’s the prob with both: they’re small.

That fabulously minty, frozen chocolate treat? It’s a mere, a piffling, three inches square. I finish one and want another RIGHT NOW. Do I raid the icebox? Do I snarf onward and upward? At 240 calories per, no I do not. With sad, joy-free wistfulness I force myself to stop at one. I deserve a medal, eh?

Their tag line, teaser ad copy? What would you do for a Klondike Bar? That ditty's an ear worm of the first order.

As for sushi -- I can pick it up, ready made in the grocery store deli section now. Awesome plus, huh? Problem, it comes in these wee trays. Sure, there’s 12 of them in there BUT they’re tiny as hell. For dog’s sake, I’ve seen bigger M&Ms! but it’s really bloody close.

I try to eat only a few, maybe four, at any time but this requires insane levels of will power. I mean, seriously folks, this is Spicy Eel Roll! At, roughly, 290 calories for a mere 6 rolls, I must be strong -- I WILL RESIST that siren song of rice and seaweed wrapped raw fishie.

Going forward I will resist, that is. This is mega hard. It’s the adult version of hot buttered movie theater popcorn (the kind from my long ago youth, not the shit they pass off as butter and popcorn now). Also too, how about some brown rice sushi? Where can I get that all fast and easy?

My other hot weather indulgence? Smoothies. TAB makes the most amazing strawberry/banana/raspberry/whatever’s left in the fridge smoothies. He uses non fat yogurt and no milk. I don’t have to feel guilty about these but, of course, I do.  Guilt is one of my more fluorescent traits.

I'm thinking today might be a good day to try a raspberry/spinach combo. Oh yeah, DEF!