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Friday, July 5, 2013

Linguist Man to the Rescue!

A linguist pal emailed a response to my paperwork fear and loathing post. This was where, in addition to general ranting, I wondered what the name for this condition might be.
While I don't know of a proper Greek name for paperwork phobia, there is
a wonderful Spanish word I learned waiting in a long line (one of many)
in Costa Rica, and reading a notice on the wall. In Spanish, "tramites"
means some combination of "procedures" and "bureaucracy" -- in other
words, not necessarily simple procedures. Note the similarity to the
English "trauma." I'm not sure if trauma comes from Latin or German,
where "traum" is "dream" -- even if it's a more of a nightmare in real
life. The Germans certainly gave one side of my family a lot of
nightmares, so maybe they can't tell the difference. Aha,
says trauma is from Greek. Perhaps traumophobia is fear of German nightmares.

But back to tramites: the French also have a word for it. A nice French
bureaucrat in Costa Rica once used it to explain a loooong delay in
getting a response back from Paris, accompanied by a slight smirk and
one of those Gallic shrugs that's worth a thousand words: "administration."
There we go. I have my answer. Thank you Linguist Man!
Linguist Man is French, living in Costa Rica after years in Northern California. In addition to his Hines/Baryshnikov-esque language adroitness, he plays a mean banjo.

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