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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Bold Honesty or Weapons Grade Snark?

Jen and I are back from visiting Daddy in Western Pennsylvania and suffering from a hangover which, honest to Bast, has nothing to do with the pitcher of margaritas (I think these may have been non-alcoholic and NOT because we ordered them that way) we downed with Heike last night.

No, our exhaustion has much more to do with crazy ass Pittsburgh traffic. The drive from the airport, more than long enough at the usual 90 minutes, took three hours. Why? Roads closed due to construction combined with pretty damned awful directions from Google maps. A long, tiring day amped up to eleven on the dial.

In any case, while our lane on 28 South was at a dead stop, this truly Onion-esque grey pick up truck slowly creeped past us,. It was hauling a big buttocked motor boat named Stupidity.

No. Really. I did NOT photoshop that pic.

Jen and I were laughing -- thinking surely, at the very least, this was a very interesting nom du bateau. There had to be some good story behind that name. I was wondering about the owner's sense of humor -- what would a person be like who’d name their boat something so, well, oddly unflattering.

Our curiosity was sated as traffic moved forward. This was a brain dead, tea partier, birther, racist pea brain (but I suppose all that was wickedly redundant. duh).
I still wonder about the boat’s name BUT, in my happy mind, I like to think the cretinous idiot was simply and honestly naming his bucket after his most pronounced trait.

Not that I have any profound feelings or beliefs on this Koch Brothers created and funded, pathetic excuse for a political party.

Unless of course this was some kind of snark taken, expensively, to the billionth power of hilarity.

Could be!

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