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Friday, October 25, 2013

Traffic, Kvetch, Cats and Wildlife

Yesterday was a day spent in traffic. OOF!

The Amazing Bob had a stress test at MGH in the morning.

Given that TAB’s married to moi, yours truly, AKA Tension Tina, OF COURSE the man has stress in his life! Why test for it?

From the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute’s site:
Stress testing provides information about how your heart works during physical stress. Some heart problems are easier to diagnose when your heart is working hard and beating fast.
During stress testing, you exercise (walk or run on a treadmill or pedal a stationary bike) to make your heart work hard and beat fast. Tests are done on your heart while you exercise.
Coco the Insecure
Rocco the Needy Schmooze Beast
Oscar, King of Slobbers
Three years ago, New Year’s Day evening of 2010, TAB had a big ol', nasty-ass heart attack. He’d had a couple ten years before as well.

So, he gets tested, evaluated and reviewed regularly. This being a good thing no matter how much TAB complains!

After toting our hero home, with a YEA-We-Got-Through-It stop at Saint Fratelli’s, I hopped back into Bix for an appointment of my own in Brookline. Why didn’t I take the T and leave the driving to someone else? No time, no time. From here on the Neck to Coolidge Corner via public transportation is easily 90 minutes -- one bus and two separate trains, one of which goes past Fenway, which is a touch crowded lately.

My reward? Jen met me at Regina’s in Allston post appointment and work for a cuppa chianti and a slice of Melanzane pizza. Yum!

While I did manage a good walk yesterday, I still feel like an ache factory this morning -- sitting in traffic for four hours will do that. I’d planned on going for my first, long intended run with Jen but, ya know, it’s DARK out at five AM when she runs! Exercise will have to wait for the sun to come up -- for now, I stretch.

Stretch, feed and cosset our herd of cat -- specifically Coco and Rocco, our formerly dressed schmooze monsters.

Rocco, who was King Feral until some recent, mysterious Come-To-Donna moment, required major amounts of pats, chin skritches and cuddle time this morning. He does this thing where he rests his poor scarred head against my calf and then leans into me. Cynthia and Giovanni’s now huge Bernese Mountain Dog, Oscar, used to do that when he was a puppy. Swear to Bast, he just did it for the fun of watching me topple over like a felled redwood. And I always went turtle!

And now Rocco’s in on the game. Joy.

Meanwhile, Coco wants to be carried everywhere and don’t you dare set her down!

And we’ve a new possum visitor. Haven’t named him/her yet. Any idea?

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