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Monday, January 6, 2014

Assholes and Opinions

Everyone’s got one and/or been one.

Yes, even your faithful and NEAR angelic scribe here.

No, really!

Sometimes my assholish acts or behaviors have been completely unintentional -- like not showing up for my THIRD rescheduled mammogram because I just keep forgetting about them despite noting the day, date and time on my calendar EVERY single time.


Sometimes my bad behavior is wholly on purpose -- like when I responded to one of my high school tormenters, after being insulted/taunted for the millionth time, ‘oh shut up George, no one likes you anyway.’

Nasty. Terribly assholian of me but he, as well as so many other bullies, had it coming.

And occasionally it’s a product of my own stupid, tiny minded, jealousy and unresolved issues.

There was that time when I was, likely, not carefully quiet enough when dissing the mega aloof, pretentious, poor-little-me chick to Jen while at Tina's party. (What am I? Five?!)

Madam Aloof ended up becoming the girlfriend, now wife, of a dear friend. They hooked up at that party. Unsurprisingly, Bill and I no longer get together for a pint and a meal -- his choice, not mine. You’re shocked, right? No? Yeah, me either.

Maybe I don’t see him anymore for reasons other than my badly concealed opinion of his future mate. Could be.
Was my mean girl behavior ignited because she was stealing my friend away? (when in a relationship, he would vanish into his new gal pals’ world. Poof. Gone) That could certainly be part of it but it was also about her having such an easy, posh life (from my POV anyway).

She’s one percenter wealthy AND healthy.

Not only could she afford to buy expansive digs in a former brewery building/now artist loft space (no, she’s not an artist -- just enjoys being perceived as one), she was able to pay an architect to come in to do the place up Fresh Home Design Mag grand. There was family money on top of her high paying, posh PR gig.

Yeah, there’s my jealousy right there. Zilcho money concerns. A safety net the size of the planet. No frets about paying the rent AND the health insurance bills. Ever. Wow.

Envy city.

Maybe, had my chum’s squeeze been at all friendly when we first met -- not reserved to the point of rudeness, we’d have gotten off to a better start.

Possibly she was painfully introverted and suffered Olympic levels of nervous around relative strangers.

Perhaps she simply didn’t find us interesting or entertaining -- we weren't worth her effort.

Conceivably, had I not reacted to her behavior with my stellar, insecurity fueled twatishness, Bill and I would still be friends.

I doubt I’ll ever know, not that knowing would change anything I suppose.

I was an ass, she was an ass -- sometimes we just can’t all be buds.

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