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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Beach Read City

I’m bummed out, headache-y and whiny this morning. Why? I blame the news — too much hard reality lately. So, mes amis, come with me as I read frivolous fripperies and candy floss tidbits.

Proud British Lady Says No Court Can Stop Her Illegal Sex Screams
I thought, from the raciness of the title, she’d be some hot, bombshell. Wouldn’t you? Ya know, I'm ALL for getting your loud freak on BUT it's nae good to make everyone in hearing range your bedmates. Unless, of course, they wanna be.

"Strange Odor" Turns U.S. Airways Flight Into a Vomit-Soaked Nightmare

This wasn't the first time they'd rocked the soaring spew action. I guess it's official now — they're an aerial vomitorium. Like I needed another reason to avoid flying US Air — formally known as Allegheny Air and always referred to as Agony Air. It was, way back when, the only affordable carrier with direct flights from Boston to Pittsburgh. Before its ginormous make over, Pittsburgh International Airport was more like a small, rural, smelly, sticky floored, 1950s, Midwestern Trailways terminal than a big city transportation center.


The Bloggess has an alligator, maybe, in her toilet. Probably won’t get on well with her cats so she’s looking to find a good forever home for it. Help her out, K?

Tim Kreider’s been dispensing death and clemency capriciously....

As he copes with the hard reality of home invasions, his youthful thoughts of becoming a Jainite sit off to the side watching him. Judging.
I note that Jainism originated in India, a country to which stinkbugs are not indigenous.
Kreider’s writing inspires deep thought, smiles and great snorts of laughter. He reminds me a bit of Kevin.

I just finished Steven King’s book Joyland. Now, lemme be real clear, I’ve a complicated relationship with Mr. King’s writing. On one hand I turn up my nose oh *sniff* mass market scary ghost stories/horror movie drivel. (pretentious much, Donna?) On the other, I’ve read and enjoyed an embarrassing amount of his stuff (embarrassing only to me of course). I can’t be reading deep, intellectual tomes all the damn time. Hell’s, after reading the paper, especially lately, I want to dive head long into a pile of fairy tales.

Which brings me to Joyland. Great beach read! I did have a couple of odd quibbles.
  • The lead character, Devon, is a 21 year old college student with a long time girlfriend. And he's a virgin. Really? The story’s set in the early ‘70s. I just have a wickedly hard time with the concept. Was it possible to be that sweet and innocent at the age of 21 in 1973?
  • The older woman (she’s 28 or 30) who eventually relieves him of his awful burden of chastity is, conveniently, a riflewoman with Olympic level skills. She’s a member of the NRA and has a father who’s a respected television preacher/healer (isn’t that last bit paradoxical or is oxymoronic the word I'm looking for?).
The characters seem like they just stepped out of CBN/Fox central casting.
NRA member?

What I wanna know is this — did King write this as a sop to his readers who just don’t cotton to his left wing, secular-humanist, organized religion eschewing self?  OR is this how all of his characters and stories run these days? I haven’t read him since, well, my carnival days. That’s a billion or so years ago. I don’t recall his players being so ready for their Christian-by-way-of-Jimmy Swaggart (and his ilk) close-ups.

I guess this puts me squarely back in RealityVille. I think I'll go pop an ibuprofen and take a nap.

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