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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Angry Bees

Boadicea Haranguing the Britons—J. Opie
Well, I just ended up blocking another “friend” on Facebook. Whenever this person commented on one of my posts it was in an antagonistic and condescending manner. She left no room for conversation — for civilized disagreement. I imagine she sees herself as the last righteous human standing. A noble firebrand. A Boudicca or maybe just Sekhmet (without that pesky healing aspect).

Ya know, I get it — Carolyn’s had a rough life (//snort// who hasn’t?), a lot to be angry about (//snort// who doesn’t?). She just can’t be bothered with little social niceties like, say, not shitting on everyone with whom she disagrees even slightly if, actually, at all. She’s also got a hair trigger for seeing personal offense and insult whether it's there or not.

Civilities —pah— those are for mere mortals! Perma Rage — that’s her default setting or so it seems to me.

I don't need the aggravation. I don't know anyone who does. OK...wait. Lawyers. The folks who’re paid to argue. Maybe they’d welcome constant conversational war.

Not me.

Why is she on Facebook at all if she’s just going to insult and sneeringly talk down to most of her so called friends?

I knew another woman — also a very angry person. She loved to quote that Marilyn Monroe line "if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”  Fine but when do I see you at your best? Every third Thursday in the summer months? More? Less? What’s the percentage? I get to see you at your best 20% of the time and 80% at your worst? Nope — that shit don’t fly.

When under pressure Lisa would barrel around the office, snapping at co-workers, making imperious, impatient demands and, basically, being a tornado of self important no-time-for-courtesy, stern acrimony. She was under pressure daily and proudly claimed the title “bitch.”

I don’t get it. Really. How can anyone square this self centered disregard for fellow worker bees? When I complained, I was told “she’s like that with everyone — it’s nothing personal.”


Being subjected to someone, at work or home, snapping and barking at me is annoying, obnoxious and chafing whether it’s meant as a comment on my abilities and intelligence or not. An atmosphere of distressing tiptoeing across glass eggshells is the result. Does that make for a productive, accurate, happy work or home environment?

Hell no!

Anger is contagious. Brusque incivility spreads. Allowing this kind of selfish, spoiled, nasty behavior is a sure fire way to kill morale.
“Angry people are not always wise.”
~Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
“Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.”
~Ambrose Bierce
“The best fighter is never angry.” 
~Lao Tzu

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