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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Mutants, Elves, Hobbits, Aliens and Orcs, OH MY!

From Gawker, a handy dandy, simple explanation of a viciously stupid, violent, obscenity that's been goin' down:

What is #Gamergate?

"#GamerGate" is an online movement ostensibly concerned with ethics in game journalism and with protecting the "gamer" identity.


Even regarded generously, Gamergate isn't much more than a tone-deaf rabble of angry obsessives with a misguided understanding of journalistic ethics. But there are a lot of reasons not to regard the movement generously.

#Gamergate actually began in August as a pernicious attack on one female game developer, Zoe Quinn, and her sex life.
The New Yorker notes that the harassment began even earlier, after she released her game Depression Quest (an interactive fiction game where you play as someone living with depression.)

The match to the pool of gasoline was this— Zoe’s  ex-boyfriend, Eron Gjoni, RILLY unhappy over their breakup, wrote a series of long blog posts claiming she boffed five other dudes, some of whom work(ed) in games or games journalism. Mega bitter about being dumped (grow up you little pisher!), he put out great effort to exact revenge. He wanted to ruin her career. Bonus! She gets all kinds of obscenely violent threats.
“Next time she shows up at a conference we … give her a crippling injury that’s never going to fully heal … a good solid injury to the knees. I’d say a brain damage, but we don’t want to make it so she ends up too retarded to fear us.”
Other targets of the death, maiming and rape threats are Brianna Wu, another game developer, and media critic Anita Sarkeesian.

The insanity is ongoing. Zoe, Brianna and Anita have gone into hiding—why? Because a crew of midget dicked, tiny brained, asswipes who clearly need major amounts of intensive inpatient therapy, think that women should be ornamental fucks and/or victims. They don’t want to share their sandbox and def don't want people with lady bits writing games! Cooties, I tell you, COOTIES!

And then there’s the world of comics—also rife with these maturity averse, stratospherically insecure, racists and sexists.

A friend of mine who rocks a hot chocolate with a hint of cinnamon hue was on a rant the other night:
I'm about tired of seeing crap like this in, of all places, a comic book forum.

"Where's Blackneto and his power of blackism?"

You are not being witty or cute!

Look, These are fictional characters in a genre based on fiction and fantasy and they are all retconned, all the time. I have been reading comics all my life and have seen many of my favorite characters created and recreated by different writers, artist and editors more times then I even care to count. None of this is real, let alone etched in stone—EVER! Case in point: In REALITY, when people die, they stay dead! In comics it's a good six months...

I just don't get why there is so much ignorance in something so malleable as COMICS for crying out loud. So please, put down the Red Bull and Doritos, get out of your mom's basement and grow the fuck up!

(comics are not real so the characters can be any-fucking-body)

(tired of going to bed pissed off at idiots)

(not having to be politically correct does not need to equal being a complete asshole)

:: Stomps soap box into splinters ::
We went on to exchange a series of ranty IMs.

Tim: This has been a problem that I see getting worse now that movies and TV shows based on characters are getting popular. The dickweeds are coming out of the woodwork. I have a niece who does cosplay and has to deal with this crap too. I'm venting my growing frustration with it now.

Me: These idiots who are all up in arms about fav superheroes being recast as women and/or people of color really blow my mind.  AND, the insane vitriol, the emotional violence (and threats of actual) over women/POC having the balls on temerity to cosplay traditionally white male characters just stuns me.

Clearly these miscreants were blessed with rotted walnuts for brains, the security level of dead squids and no fucking imagination.

Exactly! Boggles my mind why this is an issue in a world of mutants, Elves, Hobbits, aliens and Orcs! My niece does comics and Anime cosplay and she gets flack because she may want to try someone new and is told she can't “ because….”

As Michael B. Jordan said: “Get your head out of the computer…this is the world we live in.”

Or, as Tim and I would say: GROW THE FUCK UP!

Also, in case the crap-tastically anxious and unwilling-to-share-fantasyland squad isn’t in enough of an uproar, the new Thor ? A chick. Oh YES! THIS is the comic world I want for my grands.

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