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Saturday, October 10, 2015

If you prick us do we not bleed?

I think it’s probably obvs when I dislike someone. Once I understand that I’m wholly unkeen on a person, I go into full blown diplomacy mode around them. I’m particularly given to this with folks who enjoy heated argument. These are the folks who just don't know how to play nice and respectful in discussions when we disagree (and fail to understand why that's important).

I don’t see verbal battle as a game, as some sort of intellectual exercise. Unlike in the Rom/Cons, I don’t see emotional sparring and melees (masquerading, badly, as debate) as a sex substitute or prelude. I don’t get a buzz out of it. It doesn’t get me off. Quite the opposite. 

I’ll discuss, trade ideas, facts and feelings BUT I will NOT brawl.

On the exceedingly rare occasion that I agree to engage in one of these steel cage, death matches please be advised baby dolls, I will go for the jugular and I won’t play fair. If I’m gonna bother to fight, I’m gonna decimate. That gets messy. Very. I like to avoid that. That and collateral damage.

On this blog you’ve perhaps seen that I occasionally get het up and snarkarific re: the more obscenely vile and hypocritical politicians. This isn’t a political blog but yes, yez, some of the rants are about asswipian politicians past and present. That’s just one topic. I’ve got other shit goin’ on, don’cha know.

Also too, I know me some facts. I like facts. They don’t move around so much. I can count on them. I am surely mega opinionated BUT I'm an informed, reality based, opinionated soul.

If you’re looking for bloodlessly intellectual New York Review of Books style book reviews or Harvard Political Review nonpartisan political discussion, DUDE, move along, move along. I am not the blog you are looking for.


  1. Wow I'm not messing with this girl!

    1. :-)
      Donna's my name, civility's my game....unless I'm pushed *hard*.
