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Thursday, October 29, 2015

What To Do?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, another more or less sleepless night. This is becoming a real thing for me. Last week I slept just three out of seven nights. Likely I’ve whined about this before. I know, I know, I kvetch about this all the damn time, don't I!?

I've consulted friends and pros and done online searches for tips. I've found a few new bits, been reminded of ones I've used in the past but not found any spectacular, shiny new, Schlaf guaranteeing schemes. Mostly, it seems, I just need to be consistent. You know, schedule the stuff I'm not already doing into each day and really do it.

Help recommends that I:
  • Spend more time outside during daylight.
I could add a daily walk to my triking. This’d be good for my balance AND potential slumberhood!
  • Keep your room cool
 The prob with this is that The Amazing Bob and I have significantly different internal thermostats. In summer, I’m always too hot so I crank the AC. TAB’s then too cold. In winter I’m always too hot so I lower the heat…and then he’s too cold.
  • Avoid alcohol before bed.
But, but, a glass of the grape would help me get off to dreamland, right? Yes, but more than one will insure that I’m up at 1 AM, staring at the ceiling, attempting to solve for Pi.
  • Cut down on caffeine.
I try to never, EVAH have coffee after 11 AM...for all the good that’s doing me.

This next combo is pretty key though, frankly, neither has gotten me back to Lullaby-ville once I'm up and amped at 2 AM. Still, they bring down my tension levels and that makes sense.
  • Practice deep breathing and progressive relaxation exercises
Who knew, there’re a few different ways to breath in order to de-tension-ify the mind/body!
  • Sama Vritti
  • Abdominal Breathing Technique
  • Nadi Shodhana
  • Kapalabhati
Go to the linky for more info on these (and progressive relaxation). I generally do the last breathing technique, Kapalabhati. I’d no idea that there was a name for it AND it’s a thing!
  • Visualize a peaceful, restful place
Like I do when I’m in the tube. Gotcha.

The site also suggests:
  • Postpone worrying and brainstorming. (WAY easier said than done!)
  • Make relaxation your goal, not sleep. 
Relaxation versus sleep as a target—yes but then I get bored, antsy and feel the overwhelming need to get up an do something. I’m awake so I may as well be productive, eh? Yeah, chillin’ is a supreme effort for me.
 My additions to the Sleep for Dummies list:
  • Exercise
30 minutes to an hour every damn day. On days when I can’t trike, I walk. If I can’t get in a formal, hour long power walk I, at the least, try to keep moving—painting, cleaning and such—throughout the day.
  • Avoid the political blogs and news reports after 5 PM. 
Why? Being furious isn’t gonna help me sleep. All the shit will be there in the morning when my mind’s flying on all four cylinders.
  • DO NOT watch the World Series!
I'm, of course, rooting for the Mets. At least last night's game didn't go to FOURTEEN innings.


  1. What has always worked for me is melatonin, though I get mine from Holland where the dosage is very low (0.1 mg per pill). Ironically I find the low dosage works best but sometimes I need a few of them which they recommend to let dissolve under your tongue. It's actually a hormone produced by the body in darkness (a simplified description, see here for more: Maybe give it a try -- start with the lowest dosage available. It really works a treat for me but then, so do vitamins C and D for staving off colds and boosting my immunity. The trick of course, is to believe. :)
