Getting over abuse, whether it’s emotional or physical or both, takes years. Decades even. It’s hard bloody work but it’s got to be done if we want to function successfully and maybe even become happy beans.
Recovering from Trump and his Republican party’s desecrations, where every day brings another round of crazy, screw-yous-alls events, is gonna be triple+ hard. Can an entire nation survive and thrive after this concentrated Narcissistic Abuse?
The Orange Menace may well have pulled the final pin in the rickety, kluged together mess that is our country. Rush, Newtie, Jesse Helms, Trent Lott and their ilk have been gaslighting us citizens, stoking hatred, division, resentment and full metal butt-hurtitude, for decades. Why? It distracts us rubes so’s we don’t notice their hands on our wallets and their theft of our rights.
Can the gun brandishing rageaholic Nazis and KKK ever be returned to their closets? Is it too late?
What are we on the Left doing? As uszh, we’ve taken the latest bait and formed the usual circular firing squad. The Republicans don’t need to do a thing – they can be as disorganized, greedheaded, race-baiting, hypocritical, uncaring and uninterested in just, fair governing as they wanna be – and they’ll continue to win. All they need do is keep sowing those divisive seeds. We Dems with our Purity Posses eat that shit up. Unified front? Where’s the fun in that? Much more satisfying to yell at and blame each other, right?

Jim Wright, responding to a Unicorn Brigader on his ShoutyFace page said:
Here’s the deal – I RILLY don’t care to discuss or debate Brazille’s revelation. In fact, I won’t discuss it.
Recovering from Trump and his Republican party’s desecrations, where every day brings another round of crazy, screw-yous-alls events, is gonna be triple+ hard. Can an entire nation survive and thrive after this concentrated Narcissistic Abuse?
The Orange Menace may well have pulled the final pin in the rickety, kluged together mess that is our country. Rush, Newtie, Jesse Helms, Trent Lott and their ilk have been gaslighting us citizens, stoking hatred, division, resentment and full metal butt-hurtitude, for decades. Why? It distracts us rubes so’s we don’t notice their hands on our wallets and their theft of our rights.
Can the gun brandishing rageaholic Nazis and KKK ever be returned to their closets? Is it too late?
What are we on the Left doing? As uszh, we’ve taken the latest bait and formed the usual circular firing squad. The Republicans don’t need to do a thing – they can be as disorganized, greedheaded, race-baiting, hypocritical, uncaring and uninterested in just, fair governing as they wanna be – and they’ll continue to win. All they need do is keep sowing those divisive seeds. We Dems with our Purity Posses eat that shit up. Unified front? Where’s the fun in that? Much more satisfying to yell at and blame each other, right?

Jim Wright, responding to a Unicorn Brigader on his ShoutyFace page said:
"So far your sacred principles have gotten you a horrifyingly bad Republican president who has for all intents and purposes thrown in with the Russians, a Republican congress that is so malicious it is openly and actively working against American citizens, a hard-line right-wing Republican Supreme Court that will in the coming decades dismantle every civil right you claim to hold dear, and a Republican majority of state governments (i.e. the people who appoint the electors of the Electoral College, rendering your vote in future presidential elections null and void. QED). You've essentially given the high hard one to every person of color, every LGBT person, everybody with a uterus, every non-Christian (or those who aren't Christian ENOUGH), every immigrant or potential immigrant, every scientist (well, with the exception of those employed by the military), the environment, education, the poor, the elderly, the infirm, the uninsured, the hungry, and the disenfranchised.Yup.
But, hey, at least you have your pride."

A) It’s old news – it’s NOT currently happening, Elvis has left the building – AND, shocker here, the click-baity, righteous anger igniting headlines are NOT providing the full nuanced story.If we live through this, if America survives, we’re all gonna need some serious shrinkage. I’ll see if Janice has any room on her dance card.
B) We are now a zillion fathoms deep in steaming, smelly, disease riddled right wing shit. If we want to survive, we’d best focus on the enemy in front of us. You remember him/them, right? Ya know, the imbecilic, narcissistic and bloated Richie Rich rage whore and his team of dimwitted trolls. Sure ya do, it was in all the papers.
The problem is we Non-Party Affiliated "Independent" types who have long "caucused" with the Democrats were told..... I'm gonna' be polite and stick with what I was personally told at a Not Necessarily Nice Place: "we don't want your vote, we don't need your vote." How can my write-in None of the Above vote be unjustified when I was told my vote was unwanted, unwelcome, and there no viable alternatives?
ReplyDeleteI would venture that when Sanders is to the Clintonists what Clinton is to the Retards then, yes, both sides do it.
"we don't want your vote, we don't need your vote."
DeleteWOW, how stupendously shortsighted, tiny brained and STUPID.
We need another Obama – a brilliantly charismatic, smart as all hell, hope inspiring person with a titanium coated ego. Someone who will unite the Left (yeah and I want a pony too). I like Biden, Duckworth, Booker, Klobuchar, Franken and some others You?
The only dems I'm impressed with I want to stay right where they are.
DeleteA number of successfull Governors have served out their limited terms, taken some time off, and come back to limit out again.
Yup, that's why Warren wasn't on my list. She's my senator and I like/need her here.
DeleteMerkley. Campaigned for him. Lot in common: third generation offspring of a company mill town, worked in the woods and sawmill growing up, first of the family to go to college. That's a big deal out here, especially amongst the deep south refugee families who came here eighty and a hundred years ago, sort of a mark of recovery.
DeleteMore of these folks, PLEASE!
DeleteI'd really like the DNC to clean up its act a bit. At the same time, I'd like everyone not to run off behind whatever culture war conspiracy "Outrage of the Day" that the breitbart crowd announces.
ReplyDeleteIt's a mess and right now, I'm just thankful that the Republicans aren't more effective at taking advantage of their complete dominance in the federal government. Of coruse, in politics, nothing fails like success. I hope...