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Monday, October 8, 2018

Hi Honeys, I'm HOME!

Woke with the song Fire and Rain playing in my head. Ominous City, eh?

Daddy was feeling better (AND not in some horrible mess) when we went in yesterday morning. PHEW! He was very tired from the previous days hoopla and illin' though and booted us out after an hour. *moof*

I just texted him. He says he’s OK this morning. Good. While I’m happy as ALL motherfucking hell to be home, I wish I was there. Goddammit.

Of course, I also wish that I was in Bend with Ten. Dammit. Now I have Carole King in my bean singing So Far Away.

Transporter beams – when the hell are those gonna be invented, hmmmmmmm?!

With extra time on our hands, Hillel and I motored into Mount Lebanon, a near suburb of Pittsburgh where he’d lived as a small child. We stopped by his old house (it’s still there!) as well as the synagogue where his father had been a rabbi. Very cool.

We then found THE most fabola Mexican restaurant – Mad Mex. Now then, the sign out front says the joint is Cal/Mex but, on Googling, I found that it's an Australian chain. OK. Whatever. The food was tremendous, margaritas awesome and the decor was RIGHT up my alley.

An aside: the bathroom gender indicators were WAY more fun and FAR less offensive than the ones at Logan airport.

Meanwhile, I’m home and it’s Colonialist Oppressor Day. This is the day when the willfully ignorant, the militantly racist and the I-don’t-really-care-do-u Richie Rich fucks celebrate the “discovery” of a land that was already densely populated (estimates run as high as 100 million and more) before the hostiles arrived with guns, smallpox and possibly the first chemical weaponry: smallpox riddled blankets.
By the by, Europe's population in 1942? Approximately 60 million.
A study published in Nature: International Journal of Science says that there were real, live people residing on this very continent, as long as 130,000 years ago. But, oh yeah…this Columbus dude...

NO, he did NOT discover America. He invaded and kicked off a centuries-long genocide.

Here’s a little horror show for the day from Meteor Blades over at the Daily Kos: Udall and 12 other Democrats introduce bill to battle suppression of the American Indian vote 
Sen. Tom Udall of New Mexico and a dozen other Democratic senators have introduced the Native American Voting Rights Act of 2018 designed to give American Indians the same access to the ballot box as non-Indian voters.
Go read – it’s shocking that, in 2018, this horseshit’s still happening.


  1. Not only invaded and kicked of a centuries-long genocide that influenced yet later genocides, single-handedly, but was the first of the slave traders. It could honestly be said he was the father of the slave trade in "America".

    1. There's a rally (to raise awareness, eliminate Columbus Day, changing it to Indigenous Peoples Day)
      on the Common today at 1. I want to go.
