So then…yesterday was Valentine’s Day. Ten and I celebrated our first V-Day together as a shacked up couple by hitting the local bookseller where I got a coupla cheezy, escapist sci fi potboilers and Ten got a deep, thought-provoking, zen-ish type paperback. Yup, of the two of us, he’s the intellectual. I dig these highbrow cerebral types. Ya know?
We then hit Walgreens to pick up my new prednisone ‘script. My wonk-ass bod has, apparently, gone on strike and is refusing to manufacture its own damn steroids. ASSHOLE!
Now then, I moved to a different pharmacy last year all because of one particularly unhelpful, radically incompetent, RUDE worker bee. I complained to her manager but nothing changed. (This is the Walgreens at 550 Adams Street, in Adams Plaza, Quincy, MA...just in case and FYI)
Unfortunately, despite switching to CVS over a year ago, Walgreens is still listed in my MGH profile. I’ve asked that it be removed and replaced but, for whatever reason, my meds still occasionally get filled there. Sometimes I contact the prescribing doc/nurse and ask them to call the ‘script in again but to CVS instead. More often than not though, because I don't want to create extra work for already overburdened staff, I just go to Walgreens, hoping that “Sylvia” isn’t working that day or is on break.

I wrote a, for me, scathing review on the Google site for this Walgreens (since talking to her manager again seems like a pointless, fruitless nonstarter), asked Doc Barker’s nurse to re-phone in my new meds (an antibiotic) to CVS and PLEEZ remove Walgreens from my profile entirely.
Just to be sure, going forward, I will ALWAYS specifically specify, CVS NOT Walgreens.
It was clear to me, at this point, that I NEEDED to hit Fratelli’s for one of their awesome mini Neapolitans. That would surely lighten my mood after that nasty-ass, utter crap experience. Sadly, it was not to be. Fratelli’s was jam-packed – it was Valentine’s Day after all. I was too weak and worn out to wait in the long line – I just wanted to be home in bed with Nurse Coco and my trashy new novel (That Ain’t Witchcraft by Seanan McGuire). Home we went.
Ten went for a walk around Nut Island to blow off steam (ENVY!!!) and brought me home a Peppermint Patty (my total FAVE of mass produced candies) from the corner store.
So, today’s another day. The original mid-Feb fete, Lupercalia – more sexy fun apart from the ugly animal sacrifice part, lasted three days, from the 13th through the 15th. So Ten and I can still celebrate our hearts and chocolate-ness today.
PLUS VDay choco will be on sale now – mmmmmmmmmmm!