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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

19 Days To Go

Hate is easy. That’s why Trump does it. He lights the kindling and then throws a cup of gasoline onto the fire he’s started—it’s easy. Once his followers are sufficiently high on the rhetoric and fumes, it’s just a short step to violence.

Remember WAY back, over last weekend, when we read about the homegrown armed terror squad who were out hunting FEMA workers in North Carolina? Sure ya do. Turns out it was one imbecilic fuck who actually believed the slanderous lies spewed out of Don the Con’s ugly mouth hole.

The armed asswipe was caught.
William Jacob Parsons, 44, was arrested and charged with Going Armed to the Terror of the Public, a misdemeanor, Capt. Jamie Keever said in a news release issued Monday.
Parsons is now free on a $10,000 secured bond, the sheriff’s office said.
A misdemeanor?! You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! This gun-toting anal fistula was not only obstructing hurricane rescue and recovery efforts, he was looking to terrorize and possibly murder the helpers. He was doing this because his malignant hate-brained lord and master, in just so many thinly veiled words, TOLD HIM TO.

In other news from Hell…

Tell me, what’s a town hall meeting? According to Merriam Webster, it’s an event at which a public official or political candidate addresses an audience by answering questions posed by individual members

Was the painted hellbeast doing a town hall? Was he answering questions for potential voters? Aaaah, not so much.
Let’s not do any more questions. Let’s just listen to music,” he said. “Let’s make it into a music fest. Who the hell wants to hear questions, right?”

He called on his audio team to play “a couple of really beauties,” then stayed on stage for 40 or so minutes more, swaying to the songs, mouthing some of the lyrics and occasionally moving his hands to the music.
It’s clear that Clownface von ShitzenPantz is rapidly sinking deeper, further into the fetid, offal filled cesspool of his never-functioning-up-to-par “brain.” He should be at his little Florida fiefdom with nurses who specialize in treating halfway-to-Hell malignant narcissists. He can play DJ for dance parties with his dimwitted plasticized worshippers. A room could be set up for him with a desk, a playskool phone, a red bring-me-Coke button and a television, playing porn and flattering 2017 era Fox and Friends. He can have a nonfunctional cellphone on which he can rage post to a mocked up Twitter feed. He can be a make-believe, reality show president.

I’m sick of this destructive, death dealing, hateful timeline and the people who profit from it. Possibly Destructo Dance-Party Donny is also getting tired of the fight. His little town hall suggests he’s worn out. He’s not having fun anymore.

But the mainstream press keeps sanewashing.
oh, Donny was just improvising. thanks for clearing that up, New York Times. we had no idea that Donny was the John Fucking Coltrane of politics. (source)
Make no mistake, a vote for Trump (or the other Russian asset, Jill Stein) is a vote for a President J.D. Couchfucker.  He’s the oligarchs' faithful puppet, waiting in the wings for the opportunity to Amendment 25 his "boss."

A vote for Velveeta Voldemort (or Jill fucking Stein) is a vote for Project 2025—a vote to end democracy.

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