Daily Kos tells me there’s a blue wave coming. I want to believe. I fear the Trump/Republican Dead Enders and the Left’s Purity Posse will succeed in killing this country and those of us not so pristinely white or wealthy and healthy enough to survive their callous, imperious disdain.
As for the dying party bit – that’d be just dandy but I double-plus doubt the folks who've never met a lie so heinous they wouldn’t use it to sucker the desperately gullible rubes, are that close to career death yet.
We need way more than a little setback. Honest to fuck, the entire von Clownstick administration is nothing more than a passel of crass, gold plated carny hucksters. Please do recall, I know from carnies and the Trump lot would be an embarrassment to even the smallest of small town grifters.
But a significant number of us will always be gigantic suckers – eager to believe mondo whoppers just as long as they fit in with our firmly held world views.
Have a look-see at Trump’s laughably transparent preacher – the con artist who's credited with, supposedly, bringing the Orange Menace to Christ. Yeah, that's about as likely as Spuds MacKenzie switching to Guinness, Jimi Hendrix coming back for a last encore of the Star Spangled Banner or Philip Dick becoming a naive and trusting, unsuspicious goose. Girls and boys, can you say outrageously, cellophane-clear bullshit? I'll bet you can.
Charlatan Barbie is Paula White. She's one of those big box, gimme-yur-money-NOW, prosperity gospel flimflammers. Clearly 45 believes that naming a fave evangelical minister will successfully plaster over his many crimes – the racist housing discrimination, the various beauty pageant bullshit and myriad sexual assault allegations, his mafia ties, the Trump University swindle and so damn much more. The Pretty Preacher con works a treat amongst the astronomically dimwitted and/or fraudulently greedheaded of our population.
Just FYI, as I write this there are 313 days, 16 hours, four minutes and 37 seconds until Election Day.
‘Those are the spasms of a dying party,’ ” Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) said on ABC’s “This Week.” “By and large, we’re appealing to older white men, and there are just a limited number of them.”N.B.: Flake, despite his words, which appear to embrace the fact that his party represents only the most insecure, obnoxious and bullying white penis-Americans amongst us, has voted Trump/Republican/Fossilized White Male party line 90.6% of the time.
As for the dying party bit – that’d be just dandy but I double-plus doubt the folks who've never met a lie so heinous they wouldn’t use it to sucker the desperately gullible rubes, are that close to career death yet.
A Wall Street Journal / NBC poll recently found that 24 percent of respondents strongly approved of Trump’s performance in office, and another 17 percent somewhat approved; 56 percent strongly or somewhat disapproved. (Those numbers are roughly in line with the average of other recent polls.) Ratings that tilt so far negative usually presage electoral setbacks for the president’s party—and indeed, the past year has seen Republican candidates underperform at the polls, on average, by wide margins. (source)

But a significant number of us will always be gigantic suckers – eager to believe mondo whoppers just as long as they fit in with our firmly held world views.

Charlatan Barbie is Paula White. She's one of those big box, gimme-yur-money-NOW, prosperity gospel flimflammers. Clearly 45 believes that naming a fave evangelical minister will successfully plaster over his many crimes – the racist housing discrimination, the various beauty pageant bullshit and myriad sexual assault allegations, his mafia ties, the Trump University swindle and so damn much more. The Pretty Preacher con works a treat amongst the astronomically dimwitted and/or fraudulently greedheaded of our population.
Befitting her association with an administration occupied by a deadbeat who has spent his life affiliating with various fraud enthusiasts, she is often introduced as "Dr. Paula" despite never having graduated from college and lives a comically luxurious lifestyle despite having driven her previous church into bankruptcy. (source)If there is a god, does she ever get tired of being so horrifically misrepresented?
Just FYI, as I write this there are 313 days, 16 hours, four minutes and 37 seconds until Election Day.
I mentioned feeling the weight the other day. I found this over at Stirling Newberry's place (the Sorcerer's Apprentice), and though actually a bit old as with all of the good stuff found it quite timely. Though hesitant to presume, I thought you might enjoy it too.
ReplyDeleteYou are TOO awesome! Le Guin is how I first became, as a young teen, obsessed with sci fi. I'm gonna look for The Dispossessed tomorrow. Thank you!