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Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Valhalla Report

March is just about over. Phew!

It was actually warm enough at 6AM (38º!) to run down to the seawall in robe and slippers so’s I could capture the dawn. Just think, in another month 38º will feel bitterly cold.

There are random, gorgeous, strong croci popping up all over the neighborhood. Given this month's persistent frozen temps, my mind is blown. How could they come up without so much as a scarf or wool cap on? Next life, I should come back as a crocus. These babies are resilient as fuck!

Maybe I am too?

Another sign of spring – we’ve got a few more customers at Bob and Donna’s Famous Valhalla Diner (The Amazing Bob may’ve shuffled off this mortal coil but our creature cafe will always proudly carry his name).

Jen has named this new tiger beastie Zeus. He/she is not so much the supreme ruler of gods/lord of the sky and rain type. Nope. Our Zeus is beyond timid – always on the watch for brutish souls who’ll callously commandeer his brekkie. Hopefully, in time, he’ll get more secure and comfy.

Sweet Umlaut is here on the regular and now requires (REQUIRES!) pats and skritches before his meals. Skitter continues to be fascinated and, possibly, offended by his presence. She zooms from her bedroom nest down to the kitchen door to keep a close eye on him, occasionally batting at the glass as if to say “get out of there – all porch food is MINE!” I think, perhaps, she remembers her childhood days as a resident of the Valhalla Diner. You’ve moved on and up honey-girl. Ya gotta let others in.

I understand good Mister (Ms.?) Skunk was by earlier. Our dramatically striped guests are always tremendously considerate. They share well with other diners, never spray and always say thank you.

Estelle's back and, did you know? All possums are named Estelle. Why? Why not? I hadn’t seen her (him?) in months and I’m glad she’s back. Warum? Possums eat insects, snails, slugs, snakes (yes – true – they’re actually immune to the venom, with the exception of coral snakes), rats, mice, road kill (!) and Bast knows what else. They are a boon to any/every garden.

Estelle fun fact:
Male opossums are called jacks and females are called jills. The young are referred to as joeys, just like their Australian cousins, and a group of opossums is called a passel. 

My sweet Princess Coco's been a bit more needy than uszh lately. Dunno what this is all about. Change in seasons? The extra porch guests? Daylight Savings Time belatedly throwing her off her game?

Normally, in the AM, she patiently perches on my hip, waiting for me to roll onto my back. When I do, she helicopters into the air and races downstairs for her morning meal, treats, playtime, skritches and pats. We have a solid routine, don'cha know. The last few morning's she's, instead, headed butted and scent marked the shit outta me. She then demands that I pat and hold her. Seriously – DEMANDS.

Possibly some organic kitty weed and tuna would chill her out. Yup, I do believe that's the ticket.

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