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Tuesday, July 31, 2018


It’s a good day to look at a few new, good words. Really it is!

To dance gracelessly without particular art or skill
Kenzie and her chums baltered on the dance floor like a small herd of Elaines on crack. Eyecatching, sure, but horrifically inelegant and just a little scary.

Equal rights of citizenship as in different communitiues – mutual political rights
The Trumpublican mantra – isopolity for me but not for thee unless you’re white, wealthy and male.

Narrow/small-minded and subjective; unwilling to understand another viewpoint.
In the face of his constant lies, unfitness for the job and his stone gullibility, Trump supporters remain obstinately blinkered.


Of the same age, date, or duration; equally old:
Analysis has proved that this manuscript is coeval with that one.

Sure, that’s what the dictionary says it means BUT it sounds a whole hell of a lot more like a word describing two things or people of the same level of corruption and/or depravity. You know, like how  Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan are coeval corruptionists.

(of a mammal) Walking on the soles of the feet, like a human or a bear.

No…sorry. This clearly is a verb for what your neighbors do in mid-summer. They plantigrade your garden.
Donna sure has a lot of greenery coming up but her yard’s horribly messy. I give her a C-.

1) Military. to overwhelm; surprise and destroy, disable, or massacre.
2) Informal. to prevent from happening or succeeding; ruin; wreck.
I’ll be a happy clam come November when we scupper the GOP’s plans to replace Democracy with a totalitarian, theocratic regime. 

A mammal of an order distinguished by the lack of incisor and canine teeth. The edentates, which include anteaters, sloths, and armadillos, are all native to Central and South America.

Nope. Sounds way more like the state of my gob after a good, NOT painful teeth cleaning. Ya know, my mouth is an Eden of dentition.

A less distinguished follower or imitator of someone, especially an artist or philosopher.

 No, no, no. This is a person – the daughter of Oedipus. And her name, in turn, can mean worthy of one's parents. What? That’s Antigone? Emmmm, nevermind.

the practice of misquoting someone by shortening the quotation or by leaving out surrounding words or sentences that would place the quotation in context.

There’s this and then there’s what should be now known as a Trump-ism (noun) or the verb form: Trumping – the act of making up quotes which support your own tiny brained, rapacious criminality and attributing them to respected, brilliant, now dead scientists or other accomplished brains.

Conceited; proud. cheerful; merry.

Little known alternate definition:
A devout follower of Madonna.

a small container or basket for strawberries or other fruit.

No, no, no. Punnet is obvs the proper and correct name applied to a convention of punsters.

Jesus, these online dictionaries can be woefully inaccurate.


  1. The summer day was a blistering 30 centigrade, but in the shade of the trees it was only 25 plantigrade.

    Aint i gone? Ep, i gone.

    Isopolity: A political community of isopods.

  2. "Aint i gone? Ep, i gone."

    Hah! Isn't that a lyric from a Billy Holiday song :-)

    Isopods //SHUDDER// This is why I'm a vegetarian :-)
