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From Walt Kelly's Pogo |
Last year, in 2017 close to 40,000 folks lost their lives thanks to friends, neighbors, family and strangers rockin' the mondo idiocy, radical carelessness and/or straight up, outrageously obscene anger issues plus, oh yeah, guns.
CNN replicated the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's) analysis and found that 39,773 people died by guns in 2017, which is an increase of more than 10,000 deaths from the 28,874 in 1999. The age-adjusted rate of firearm deaths per 100,000 people rose from 10.3 per 100,000 in 1999 to 12 per 100,000 in 2017. (source)So far, this year – 2018, there have been 53,950 gun “incidents,” with 13,816 deaths and 26,715 injuries. Of those deaths, 3,328 were children 17 or younger. Also, since November first there have been an additional 24 mass shootings bringing our cheery holiday total, SO FAR, up to 331. The year’s not done yet either.
Jama (the Journal of the American Medical Association) found that just six countries in the world are responsible for more than half of all 250,000 gun deaths a year around the globe. The US is among those six, together with Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela and Guatemala. (source)When Hairpiece Himmler (thanks Cap!) refers to shithole countries, I DO believe he’s projecting.
Can you wrap your bean around that 2017 total? 40,000. Dead. Americans killing Americans. Has the Second Civil War begun and no one remembered to tell me? Nope. These murders happened for grandiose reasons like:
- In Tennessee, a woman, so enraged that someone dared to “unfriend” her, convinced her father and her boyfriend to kill her former Facebook “friends.” The couple died holding their six month old baby (who “survived”). (source)
- In 2014 a 71 year old assrocket, murdered a guy for texting in a movie theater DURING THE DAMN PREVIEWS (just after the shooter had finished texting his son!). And, get this, the delusional fuckwit was released on bail. Four years have passed and the trial STILL hasn’t happened – it's scheduled for February of this coming year. Possibly, the state of Florida was hoping they’d save some time and money if Anger Issues Asshole would just mebbe croak before this went to court. No such luck.
- In Kentucky, a man was so pissed off about how his wife cooked his eggs, he shot and killed her, his step-daughter and three of their neighbors. Gosh, he must’ve been a real joy to live with, eh? (source)
The top twenty states for gun deaths are:
19 and 20) Tied are Utah and Georgia (Death by firearm per 100,000 population: 12.6) – in neither state do you need a permit to buy a gun.
18) Indiana is next. They actually require a permit to buy but ONLY for handgun purchases. (Death by firearm per 100,000 population: 13).
17) In Kentucky, no permit is required, anyone who hates how their brekkie’s cooked can buy any kind of gun they want here. (Death by firearm per 100,000 population: 13.7)
16) Nevada, again, no permit needed. (Death by firearm per 100,000 population: 13.8)
14 and 15) Idaho and Arizona are tied – no permit needed. (Death by firearm per 100,000 population: 14.1)
13) West Virginia – no permit needed. Are ya sensin' a theme here? I am. (Death by firearm per 100,000 population: 14.3)
12) Missouri – no permit needed (Death by firearm per 100,000 population: 14.4)
11) South Carolina – no permit needed (Death by firearm per 100,000 population: 15.2)
9 and 10) Tennessee and New Mexico are tied and no, neither requires a permit to buy a death machine (Death by firearm per 100,000 population: Tennessee 15.4 and New Mexico15.5)

6 and 7) Wyoming and Montana are tied. Permits? We don’t need no stinkin' permits! (Death by firearm per 100,000 population: 16.7)
5) Arkansas. Is a permit needed to buy a gun? Gee, waddya think? (Death by firearm per 100,000 population: 16.8)
4) Alabama. Permit? I still have this damn cold – don’t make me laugh. It hurts. (Death by firearm per 100,000 population: 17.6)
3) Mississippi. Naturally, no permit’s needed to buy. (Death by firearm per 100,000 population: 17.8)
2) Louisiana (Death by firearm per 100,000 population: 19.3)
At number one, the top state for gun deaths in the U.S. of A. is Alaska (Death by firearm per 100,000 population: 19.8) What’s different about Alaska though, is that more than 80% of those deaths are suicides. (stats from CBS News)
Remember, the NRA IS a terrorist organization AND, like our pile of rabid rhino feces Prez, they're in bed with Russia – attempting to destroy us from within.