Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog has another thought inspiring post up . Apparently Beto O’Rourke, who HAD been a progressive gem, is now, incredibly, tarnished. I’m really reluctant to burst anyone’s (Left or “Right’s”) magically, pure unicorn piƱata BUT there are NO saints in politics – never have been and there won’t be any in our lifetimes.
What we’ve got are human beings willing to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageously smelly pig shit.
Some do it because they want to make our beleaguered country a better place for EVERYone. Think: Cory Booker, Beto O'Rourke, Kamala Harris, Joe Kennedy or my personal hero Tammy Duckworth (who is likely NOT going to run for prez and YES this gives me a big fat sad).
These are the white hats. I want the most human/planet/FACT supporting/get-corporations-to-pay-their-fair-share-and-NOT-kill-the-planet candidate we can get. I want someone who. like Obama, can come up with concrete workable plans for unfuckable success. I want a candidate I can relate to versus an always-been-a-rich-boy like Bloomberg. Also too, at 76, he’s past his presidential sell-by date – as I said the other day, I believe our next candidate must be 65 or younger on inauguration day. 85% of U.S. residents are under the age of 65.. How’s ‘bout we let the folks who will have to live with/through the decisions that are made, run the joint for awhile, hmmm?
Some, alleged, humans jump into the political ring because they’re dimbulbed farts who want to make sure this old joint works better ONLY for folks who look and sound JUST like them (or in Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz’s cases – people who they’ve aspired and transformed themselves into being).
And then there are the absolute, full-blown puppets – think Reagan, Bush II or even Trumpelthinskin, who was just supposed to run cover for a Republican/Fascist Party, hell bent on reverse Robin Hooding America. Unsurprisingly and mega doltishly, they realized much too late that their tap-dancing Tangerine Twatzilla marionette really IS actually a ‘roid-raging, uncontrollable Rancor beast – NOT the obedient, if gaudily flamboyant, stooge they’d hoped for and supported.
A not insignificant portion of the American public will believe whoever spews enough lies and pretty words that’ll confirm the fairy tale version of reality in which they already believe. They’ll vote for the person best able to pat their heads while telling them that the only monsters under the bed are evil, rich, greedheaded monster pigs out to steal the bread right outta your mouth. Ya know what, even I, cynical as all fucking hell Donna, don’t believe that rich ALWAYS equals Koch Bros., Trumps and McConnells.
On the flip-side, there are those (I’m looking at you Mister Assface von Shit-for-Brains and your Republican/Fascist Party!) who cry loud and long that YES, your bed is riddled with disease carrying beggarly monsters and they’re all brown too. They’re not just under your crib either – they’re on top looking to swipe your blanket, bottle AND Teddy Bear too.
Whoever the Democratic candidate is, even if he/she’s an old, NOT progressive enough for my liking codger like Bloomberg or McCaskill, I’ll vote for him or her. The alternative is suicide. I’m just hoping, apart from a young and decidedly progressive ticket, that the burn-it-all-down Sarandon posse can keep their yapping purity down to a dull roar so’s we can pull out a win and begin to undo 45 and his Fascist/Republican Brigade’s damage (not to mention the Bush bullshit which Obama was unable to undo because so many Dems sat out the mid-terms).
Yastreblyansky, commenting over at Steve’s place, said it perfectly:
What we’ve got are human beings willing to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageously smelly pig shit.
Some do it because they want to make our beleaguered country a better place for EVERYone. Think: Cory Booker, Beto O'Rourke, Kamala Harris, Joe Kennedy or my personal hero Tammy Duckworth (who is likely NOT going to run for prez and YES this gives me a big fat sad).
These are the white hats. I want the most human/planet/FACT supporting/get-corporations-to-pay-their-fair-share-and-NOT-kill-the-planet candidate we can get. I want someone who. like Obama, can come up with concrete workable plans for unfuckable success. I want a candidate I can relate to versus an always-been-a-rich-boy like Bloomberg. Also too, at 76, he’s past his presidential sell-by date – as I said the other day, I believe our next candidate must be 65 or younger on inauguration day. 85% of U.S. residents are under the age of 65.. How’s ‘bout we let the folks who will have to live with/through the decisions that are made, run the joint for awhile, hmmm?
Some, alleged, humans jump into the political ring because they’re dimbulbed farts who want to make sure this old joint works better ONLY for folks who look and sound JUST like them (or in Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz’s cases – people who they’ve aspired and transformed themselves into being).
And then there are the absolute, full-blown puppets – think Reagan, Bush II or even Trumpelthinskin, who was just supposed to run cover for a Republican/Fascist Party, hell bent on reverse Robin Hooding America. Unsurprisingly and mega doltishly, they realized much too late that their tap-dancing Tangerine Twatzilla marionette really IS actually a ‘roid-raging, uncontrollable Rancor beast – NOT the obedient, if gaudily flamboyant, stooge they’d hoped for and supported.
A not insignificant portion of the American public will believe whoever spews enough lies and pretty words that’ll confirm the fairy tale version of reality in which they already believe. They’ll vote for the person best able to pat their heads while telling them that the only monsters under the bed are evil, rich, greedheaded monster pigs out to steal the bread right outta your mouth. Ya know what, even I, cynical as all fucking hell Donna, don’t believe that rich ALWAYS equals Koch Bros., Trumps and McConnells.
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Here, have a palate cleanser, You're welcome. |
Whoever the Democratic candidate is, even if he/she’s an old, NOT progressive enough for my liking codger like Bloomberg or McCaskill, I’ll vote for him or her. The alternative is suicide. I’m just hoping, apart from a young and decidedly progressive ticket, that the burn-it-all-down Sarandon posse can keep their yapping purity down to a dull roar so’s we can pull out a win and begin to undo 45 and his Fascist/Republican Brigade’s damage (not to mention the Bush bullshit which Obama was unable to undo because so many Dems sat out the mid-terms).
Yastreblyansky, commenting over at Steve’s place, said it perfectly:
I'm afraid the most offensive sellout label will go to whoever wins the primary campaign, on the logic that anybody vulgar enough to be successful clearly has some unacceptable opinions. I think there's also some hope that that faction will be less influential in 2020.Yup.
I don't know anything about politics, but my take: Since at least Bill Clinton, the national Dems have been so afraid of being labeled liberal or leftist that they've run corporate candidates who wouldn't scare the corporations. But too often, those candidates can't fire up the base enough to win.
ReplyDeleteKarl Rove said it in 2000: It's not about enlarging the tent. it's about getting out the base.
I have been a Green Party person in the past, but when I vote Dem, the Dems win. (I don't discuss 2016 at all). I voted for Clinton in 1992. I voted for Obama in 2008. Granted, my state didn't go Dem in either election, but still. Maybe I'm inadvertently a predictor of when the Dems have excited people enough to come out and vote for them.
I'm not sure about Beto. I'm just not sure.
I'm thnking/hoping that the time of Dems being afraid to be called "liberal" is done. this next Dem Prez primary will be extremely interesting. I don't think so-called centrist Dems have a chance.
DeleteI like Beto in a VP roll not the main player. What makes you unsure about him?
I wasn't overly aware of what was happening this past political year, but it looked like Beto has not yet made his final choice about whether he is going to be a safe traditional politician or more of a firebrand.
DeleteIn addition, and this is really picky, but if he is going to be the nominee, he has to stop emphasizing each and every syllable he says by pointing his thumb at the camera. It's a quirk, but man, once I picked up on it, it got annoying.
Interesting. I was psyched about himprimarily because he's NOT Cruz and seemed pretty cool. I hope, if anything, he's a VP candidate so he has time to work out his bugs.
DeleteThe Sarandon-type ideological crazies are de facto allies of the Republicans. They're best viewed as simply another obstacle which our get-out-the-vote efforts will need to overcome.
ReplyDeleteI think their numbers dwindle with every Republican they help elect, though. The ones who still haven't wised up after Trump are probably unreachable by anything.
I agree. I hope the press stops giving them (and batshit crazy repub/Fascist like Trump, etc) the mic.