Are we in the midst of a coup d’état. Is that what’s happening now with all these “acting” cabinet members that the Chaos Demon is putting in place?
This IS a power grab. These “actings” haven’t had confirmation hearings – the interviews where we the people (who pay these public servant’s salaries) get to see the candidate’s qualifications and possible conflicts of interest. Ya know, are we getting sufficient bang for our bucks.
Kirstjen Nielsen, as you know, is out as homeland security secretary – forced to resign (AKA you're fired!) for being insufficiently cruel and inhumane. Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner Kevin McAleenanis, a Trump stooge, is the new, “acting” head.
Acting White House chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney's job is to play defense and human shield for the vile, griftering, lying-ass WH fraud. It’s the job Rudy Giuliani was supposed to be doing until, oopsie, he implicated his boss one too many times.

The acting administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency is former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler (who has continued to meet with his planet defiling former clients since being sworn in).
On June 27th of 2018, Wheeler indicated in a Bloomberg news piece, that he was being careful and all ethical and shit BUT:
The acting secretary of the Department of Defense Patrick Shanahan, is a former Boeing executive who has never served in the military and has little foreign policy or government experience. He’s nothing more than Boeing's inside salesman and a Trump lap dog.
“Imma just kill whoever Dear Leader tells me to kill and try to distract and baffle you all with extra-special jargon-y horseshit “
The Big Orange Id appointed Heather Nauert as the Ambassador to the United Nations. What did she do before this? She was one of Fox News’ blonde bimbo talking heads and she has less than two years experience as a spokesmodel for the state department. Heather’s no more than a mouthpiece for the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, and the national security adviser, John Bolton – both of whom are deeply skeptical of the UN’s usefulness.
Of 716 key positions requiring Senate confirmation Preznint Fraud has failed to nominate anyone at all for 140 posts, 134 have been formally nominated and 439 have been confirmed. So, two years and 82 days into the Candycorn Skidmark’s (Thanks Cap!) radically incompetent term and just 61% of the folks needed have been interviewed, vetted and hired.
IS this a coup or is this just another example of the Cheater in Chief's radically lazy, mentally ill and astoundingly dimwitted ineptitude.
“I like acting,” Trump said. “It gives me more flexibility. Do you understand that? I like acting.” (source)Honestly, we should have ALL seen this coming. He’s turning the government, the country into a season of his embarrassingly stupid "reality" TV show, The Apprentice. Do what he wants, be who he wants or we’re all FIRED.
This IS a power grab. These “actings” haven’t had confirmation hearings – the interviews where we the people (who pay these public servant’s salaries) get to see the candidate’s qualifications and possible conflicts of interest. Ya know, are we getting sufficient bang for our bucks.
Kirstjen Nielsen, as you know, is out as homeland security secretary – forced to resign (AKA you're fired!) for being insufficiently cruel and inhumane. Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner Kevin McAleenanis, a Trump stooge, is the new, “acting” head.
As CBP commissioner, McAleenan defended his agency’s use of tear gas on immigrants and called for more funding to address what Trump has declared a national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border. (source)Yup, McAleenanis’s gonna be just fine– just what the haterific wannabe-dicktator ordered.
Acting White House chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney's job is to play defense and human shield for the vile, griftering, lying-ass WH fraud. It’s the job Rudy Giuliani was supposed to be doing until, oopsie, he implicated his boss one too many times.

The acting administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency is former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler (who has continued to meet with his planet defiling former clients since being sworn in).
On June 27th of 2018, Wheeler indicated in a Bloomberg news piece, that he was being careful and all ethical and shit BUT:
the day before that interview, Wheeler's public calendar shows he participated in a "stakeholder meeting" with Darling Ingredients, a former client. The biodiesel producer paid Faegre Baker Daniels Consulting more than $1.4 million over nine years for Wheeler and the firm's other lobbyists to push changes to the renewable fuel standard as well as renewable diesel and biodiesel tax incentives, according to lobbying disclosures compiled by ProPublica.David Bernhardt, the acting secretary of the Interior Department, is a former oil and gas lobbyist. He’s continuing to meet with various clients of his former lobbying firm including Brian Ballard, a Florida lobbyist who raised millions for the Criminal in Chief.
The acting secretary of the Department of Defense Patrick Shanahan, is a former Boeing executive who has never served in the military and has little foreign policy or government experience. He’s nothing more than Boeing's inside salesman and a Trump lap dog.
In an interview with Defense News, Shanahan said he believes his job is to “operationalize the National Defense Strategy, driving systemic change – rewiring the organization to increase our performance on lethality, alliances, and reform.” (source)What’s the English translation of that pile of snot twaddle?
“Imma just kill whoever Dear Leader tells me to kill and try to distract and baffle you all with extra-special jargon-y horseshit “
The Big Orange Id appointed Heather Nauert as the Ambassador to the United Nations. What did she do before this? She was one of Fox News’ blonde bimbo talking heads and she has less than two years experience as a spokesmodel for the state department. Heather’s no more than a mouthpiece for the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, and the national security adviser, John Bolton – both of whom are deeply skeptical of the UN’s usefulness.
Of 716 key positions requiring Senate confirmation Preznint Fraud has failed to nominate anyone at all for 140 posts, 134 have been formally nominated and 439 have been confirmed. So, two years and 82 days into the Candycorn Skidmark’s (Thanks Cap!) radically incompetent term and just 61% of the folks needed have been interviewed, vetted and hired.
IS this a coup or is this just another example of the Cheater in Chief's radically lazy, mentally ill and astoundingly dimwitted ineptitude.