Some days I just gotta take a full on break, enjoy the nice things, not worry so damn much. Ya know, paint a damn bug instead of a deep, fraught, anguish rockin’, weight-o-the world-carrying nude.
Art is to console those who are broken by life.
Vincent van Gogh

Wouldn't that be most, if not all, of us?
So, I'm painting bugs. Here’s my dragonfly.
So far. No, I don’t believe I’ll give up nudes for insects BUT the odd beetle, the stray dragonfly, a random moth – this could be a good thing. Ya know, all hyper-seriousness and no fripperies makes Donna a dull tart and that ain’t good.
Other nice things:
This is my new comfy chair and I am SO in love with it.

Jen’s mother had, for my back surgery recovery period, lent me her
big-ass, soft and ultra cushy, electric recliner. I had a real love/hate
relationship with that thing. While, yes, it was BIG, mega comfy and
provided me with the ability to work (AND blog) without pain (sitting at
my desk, typing, was not cool for the ol’ spinal cord sutures), the
damn thing was also
offensively beige. BEIGE
and without even
one microscopic shred of elegant charm. It was the epitome of unsexy chairs.

Still, I loved it for it's velour, womb-like comfort. And then the time came and passed to send it home and bring color and stylish swank back into my tiny living room.
So, I did

The light fades later and later. We passed the vernal equinox on March 20th – that’s when I really noticed the day lingering, chatting at the door, not wanting to leave the party.

Now then, I hit the sack pathetically early, toddler time even. Granted, I’m up and at ‘em at four or five AM but
still – I feel like such a monstro dull thing when it’s still light out and I’m cashing in my chips. AT the same time, I feel all cozy, laying under the quilts, curled up with my man (who’s also an early to bed type – LUCKY,
LUCKY me!), watching the quality of light shift, deepen and then wink out. Snugly is what it is and I’m totes diggin’ it.
Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.
James Herriot, James Herriot's Cat Stories
try to follow Coco's righteously splendid example.
This, at right, is the latest local ale Ten has tried. I like the art. Our search for THE most awesome brew continues. OK, ok, it's
HIS search seeing as I’m not a beer drinker – just a can graphics admirer. I'm helping though!
Do not give way to useless alarm; though it is right to be prepared for the worst, there is no occasion to look on it as certain.
~ Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
Workin’ on it Jane, givin' it the old college try and shit.
I have a chair similar to that one....it's beige, has huge arms, it's comfortable. Is it beautiful? Nope, although I did purchase it, lol. I can sleep in it, curl up in it, read in it, veg out, etc. Beauty isn't everything.
ReplyDeleteHah! TRUTH!