As Ten and I passed through some VERY red states, I was reminded that there are nice, intelligent, NOT pigheadedly stupid and hateful folks everywhere.
Even in the very red, very backward state of Indiana (who gave us Dense Pence), there were over a million votes NOT cast for the spectacularly dimwitted Fat Orange Satan. Better still, Ohioans cast 2,394,164 votes for decency versus plutocratic shit-heeldom.

Even Wisconsinites, who TWICE elected the spectacularly vile and indisputably corrupt Republi/Fascist Scott Walker as their governor, cast 1,382,536 votes for Democracy versus their 1,405,284 votes for cruel, dystopian, lie-drenched dictatorship. Again, that’s less than a percentage point difference.

Now that I’m home and have seen this mostly beautiful country up close and personal-like, I’m easing back into paying attention to the big, wide world.
In a great post, about the latest Biden fuss, over at No More Mister Nice Blog, commenter GOVCHRIS1988, writes:
Ms. Flores needs to disclose she's a Bernie Sanders supporter that sees the polls where Joe Biden leads and is trying to knock that shit down, so Bernie Sanders can overtake him. She also needs to disclose why she supports a campaign that allowed women to be sexually harassed on his 2016 campaign, that wrote a rape essay, that attacked the first female nominee of the Democratic Party, saddling her with a crime bill that HE VOTED FOR! See, black people usually see through bullshit and make it plain to you.
For the broad majority of us who don't use dated terms as "woke" that white people have taken and made tragically irrelevant in the community, it's not about the person, it's what that person can do for us. Its why those personal attacks on Trump don't work on Evangelicals. You can call them hypocrites all day, the fact is, now they've got two lifetime supreme court justices, Israel, abortion, etc. They don't give a shit, because they're getting what they want. But we have so many of these "wokies" who feel winning morally is better than actually winning. Yeah, that winning morally shit doesn't work for us. It doesn't make my check fatter, nor does it produce more freedom for me to do what the fuck I want or need to do.Yes!
So then, I'm back
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