I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, 'If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.’Last night, Ten and I were reading in bed – it was SO damn cozy and nice (and I said so too!).
I only mention it (happily!) but, since the beginning of Ten and Donna’s Excellent Adventure, three weeks and a coupla days ago, I’ve had just one sleepless night. This is mondo unusual for me. Positively wondrous and shit. If Ten came with an advertising slogan it’d be You’ll sleep better with Ten!
And I do.
Other nice things?

Coco’s adjusting nicely to her new roomie. In the morning, when she comes to see if I’ve arrived in Wakey-wake Land yet, she mounts the bed and climbs slowly, casually over Mount Ten in order to reach me. How long before she’s decided Ten’s lap is THE ONE?

I found, on introducing Ten to our local library yesterday, that they show movies a couple times a week. Next week the feature is Bohemian Rhapsody. Yeah, I won’t be able to hear the awesome tunes BUT, all the same, I’d like to see it. And, yes, there will be closed captioning. TOO cool! The library also offers yoga classes, art exhibits, book and crafting groups and a bunch’o’crap for the kiddles. How awesome is this and WHY am I so late to the library game? Have libraries always been this fab? Are they all this amazing?
Finally, Ten and I went to the adult bev store in search of a decent local brew for him. Ya see, out in Bend, he was a fan of his hometown brewery, Deschutes, and their Bachelor Bitter. It’s not available here so we’ve begun the hunt for a fab alternative.
I had no idea that beer can and bottle art had become, like wine labels, so incredibly fun!