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Saturday, April 6, 2019


Look – I don’t want Biden OR Bernie in the race. Why not? Is it because Biden has been overly affectionate? (he has NOT been accused of Trump-ish sexual harassment but of violating personal space) Is it because Bernie wrote a rape fantasy essay, won’t release his tax returns and doesn’t, like Elizabeth Warren, seem to have concrete workable plans to bring about his truly great ideas? NOPE! It’s because they’re just too bloody OLD. That’s why!

 If elected Sanders would be 80 years old on inauguration day. Biden would be 79.

As I said to a Bernie-supporting friend recently, I’d like a candidate with a little more skin in the game. What I meant was, I want someone who’ll have to live with the consequences of their actions as Prez for years and years – multiple decades even. I’m not saying Joe or Bernie will kick off at 85 (or earlier) – I’m saying that I want a candidate with more than a theoretical investment.

Also too, the WH gig takes a ferocious amount of energy. It’s spectacularly consuming – physically and mentally. Can an 80 year old be in peak brain form, every hour of every day for four straight years?

We need way more than mega duende and charisma from our next president. We need someone with the gargantuan energy and stamina it’s gonna take to repair the country after 45’s reign of error and terror.

I’d like to see a president who looks more like me too. A woman. Kamala Harris has been my pick. She’s 54, has advocated for Medicare for all, debt-free college and a tax cut that will benefit working families. I like everything she’s had to say so far.

Do I think she’ll be THE ONE. Sadly no, not at this point.

I’m also keen on Elizabeth Warren – she’s got mondo brains and ability. She knows how to get shit done. My only issue with her candidacy is that she’s 69. On inauguration day she’d be 71. Really though, I'd motherfucking LOVE a Harris/Warren (or Warren/Harris) ticket. They'd totes kill.

From my POV, here at the august age of 60, I’d like a president who’s younger than me. I can imagine someone older having the energy to get the job done but it’s a stretch.

Now then, I WILL vote for whoever the Democratic candidate is BUT it'd be awesome if it wasn't the usual old white male. Ya know?

Know what I like about Bill Clinton? He was just 54 when he left the WH. He’s 72 now and is working to help people and the planet, he’s fighting poverty.

Jimmy Carter, 42 years after leaving the WH at the age of 56, is still, at 94 years of age working for peace, giving, helping through the Carter Center AND Habitat for Humanity.

Obama, MY fave former prez, is just 57 now. Along with Michelle, he’s created the Obama Foundation whose heady mission is to inspire, empower, and connect people to change their world.
An aside, on the other side of the aisle we have G.W. He's spending his retirement painting puppies, giving paid speeches and golfing. In his own words, “I think part of having a fulfilling life is to be challenged. I’m challenged on the golf course, I’m challenged to stay fit, and I’m challenged by my paintings…I am happy.”
Do the planet a favor and NEVER vote Republi/Fascist!