Over 448 pages, Mueller does not present Trump as a traitor but does portray him as a serial liar willing to abuse power, shred norms and bend the rule of law in a White House rotten to the core. Amid this culture of malfeasance and mendacity, trusted lieutenants are expected to demonstrate absolute loyalty, up to and including obstructing justice to save the president’s skin. (source)

Even Barr's wildly whitewashed, redacted to hell and back version of the Mueller report makes it abundantly clear that Russia attacked our election.
Putin did it so that the dimwitted, reality teevee mob boss would be elected.

But Mueller stated pointedly that “while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him”, potentially offering Congress a roadmap to impeachment. (source)
What’s the health issue? I’m having a spine MRI later this week. It's my six month check up on that bad boy. Just one MRI mind you but I’ve already gone into full blown stress rabbit mode over it. This pisses me clean off. I’ve had so damn many MRIs in the last year that I thought I was back in ain’t-no-thang mode, where a nice glass ’o’ the grape would be all I’d need to get me into the damn tube. Seemed all likely and shit. Nope. A full week in advance I was having claustrophobia dread-anxiety attacks. Lovely, just fucking splendid.
Possibly I need a miles long, low tide beach walk today. That and a few hundred laps in the pool.
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