I saw this funny but TOTALLY rock solid bit on Twitter.
Felicity went to a pro-choice rally up at the State House, earlier this week (and kindly sent pics). Massachusetts, unlike Georgia, Ohio, Mississippi, Kentucky and Alabama, will likely never face the catastrophically callous, braindead bans that those five states have voted to impose. Still, we must stand up, let our angry voices be heard. We will NOT go back in the chattel box.
In Alabama (Ohio too), a doctor who performs an abortion on an 11 year old who was raped and impregnated by her father, would go to jail for 99 years. Yeah, instead of being concerned for the 11 year old child’s mental AND physical health, they want to send the doc up the river for longer than life. Why? The heinous crime of compassion and doing his/her damn life saving job.
Ya know, she did NOT get up that damn spout all by herself. Is the careless ejaculator all fired up to become a daddy? Is this dude actually good husband/father material or is he more in the fuck ‘em and forget ‘em camp? Is the pregnant woman emotionally and financially ready, willing, and able to become a mum? You may be thinking “oh hells, is anyone ever ready?” That may be truth but, ya know what, this ain’t none ‘o’ my business OR yours.
We’ve got to have dominion, CHOICE over what happens within our own damn bodies!
Wanna reduce the number of abortions in this country? Make DAMN sure your children get comprehensive, guilt-free sex ed which INCLUDES knowing it’s OK to say no, don’t touch me (when is it OK to say that? whenever you don’t want to be touched). Make abso-fucking sure they understand and have access to effective contraception. Hint – if the guy says I’ll pull out, do NOT trust that he will. Also no, that's NOT a reliable form of birth control. Duh! Dudebro might be a nice guy, a real sweetheart but when he’s inside heaven, all bets are off.
Also, if the bap whines that taking time out to put in the diaphragm and/or don the little rubber raincoat kills the mood, kick his sorry ass out! He’s impatient, unrealistic and not AT ALL connected to the very real potential consequences. This spoiled tit doesn’t deserve another shot at the promised land.
What’d I use back in my fertile days? A diaphragm PLUS condoms. Yeah, AT the same time.
Erectile dysfunction is a part of God's plan to reduce abortions.Hear that jesus-humpers? If you can’t get a stiffy, that’s your god’s hint that he doesn’t want your DNA is the ol’ gene pool. Respect your deity's judgment.
Felicity went to a pro-choice rally up at the State House, earlier this week (and kindly sent pics). Massachusetts, unlike Georgia, Ohio, Mississippi, Kentucky and Alabama, will likely never face the catastrophically callous, braindead bans that those five states have voted to impose. Still, we must stand up, let our angry voices be heard. We will NOT go back in the chattel box.
“The placenta preferentially will take nutrition from the mother, who really is a child," said Sherry Thomas, an ob/gyn at Mission Community Hospital in Panorama City, Calif. That means that the developing fetus will leach calcium and other nutrients from a child who should still be growing herself.
The greatest danger, however, is to the pelvic floor. Girls may start ovulating and menstruating as early as age 9...Just because a girl can get pregnant, though, doesn't mean she can safely deliver a baby. The pelvis does not fully widen until the late teens, meaning that young girls may not be able to push the baby through the birth canal.And, for a mo, never mind these most horrific cases. How about the 25 year old woman who just had a whoopsie with her boyfriend OR beau du jour?
The results are horrific, said Wall and Thomas…Girls may labor for days; many die. Their babies often don't survive labor either.
“The younger you are, the more trauma will occur, because the pelvic floor isn't developed enough," Thomas said. (source)
We’ve got to have dominion, CHOICE over what happens within our own damn bodies!
Wanna reduce the number of abortions in this country? Make DAMN sure your children get comprehensive, guilt-free sex ed which INCLUDES knowing it’s OK to say no, don’t touch me (when is it OK to say that? whenever you don’t want to be touched). Make abso-fucking sure they understand and have access to effective contraception. Hint – if the guy says I’ll pull out, do NOT trust that he will. Also no, that's NOT a reliable form of birth control. Duh! Dudebro might be a nice guy, a real sweetheart but when he’s inside heaven, all bets are off.
Also, if the bap whines that taking time out to put in the diaphragm and/or don the little rubber raincoat kills the mood, kick his sorry ass out! He’s impatient, unrealistic and not AT ALL connected to the very real potential consequences. This spoiled tit doesn’t deserve another shot at the promised land.
What’d I use back in my fertile days? A diaphragm PLUS condoms. Yeah, AT the same time.
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