Things that I love about travel:
Seeing new, interesting or just different from the uszh things, like:
Fer instance, Jen and I stopped in at a favorite Italian bar/restaurant while Poppy was having a nap. Not only was the TV there playing trashy soaps versus sports (LOVED this!) the sound system was all “best” of the 80s. I guess I’m not unhappy to have missed Beat It, Total Eclipse of the Heart OR Karma Chameleon but, ya know, my musical preferences ran a little outside the mainstream back then (and I imagine they would now, too)
What do I hate about travel? Being away from Coco and Ten (though, unlike my sweet homebody kitten, Ten can and will travel with me on occasion). Given the usual brief duration of most of my trips, that’s about it. I could never be on the road all the time, 365 and all. The two and a half weeks that Ten and I took to cross country were about my limit.
Home – it’s where the ocean, Jen, Oni, Coco and our herd of outdoor cat are.
Home where my thoughts escaping
Home where my music's playing
Home where my love lies waiting
Silently for me
Homeward Bound – Simon and Garfunkel
Seeing new, interesting or just different from the uszh things, like:
- The landscape – the rolling hills and short mountains of Western Pennsylvania are certainly pretty but it’s the greenery that nails me every damn time I visit. SO many trees. They’ve a brill wealth of woodland.
- The people – you know I’m an inveterate people watcher No matter where I go, people dress and groom themselves differently from my home digs. Generally, it’s pretty damn subtle. In my father’s town there’s, mebbe, more folks in brightly colored/patterned yoga togs. Possibly there’s more hair product in play. Fewer people there are dressed all in black. Interesting.
- The shops – normally I like to explore the wee, 3 block downtown of Indiana. That’s where the non-corporate/non-chain stores can be found. Places like:
Those are my usual stops but I’d love to check out
- The Book Nook – a not-trying-for-atmosphere dimly lit, large joint selling, primarily, mass market paperbacks and tchotchkes. It’s a great place to find escapist travel reads and that wine toting stuffed polar bear you’ve always wanted.
- The Artists Hand Gallery and Espresso Bar always has competent, interesting local art and craft on display (AND good coffee and pastries)
- A total MUST – Insomnia Cookies. Molto sadly, they weren’t open yet when we stopped by on Saturday morning
What else do I love about travel? I used to love, love, LOVE hearing different accents and languages. The background music played in local pubs was fascinating too. Just as every picture tells a story don't it, musical choices do the very same.
- Bella Ragazza Boutique doesn’t look like it carries anything I might want BUT the name of the place promises otherwise.
- Chateau Christine – I just gotta stop into this shop next time I’m in town. Fer realies!
- and the bar Twisted Jimmy’s – hey, I like the name. Yes, interestingly named stores, restaurants, books or any other damn thing, will sucker me in every time. How do you think I found Insomnia Cookies that first time?

Home – it’s where the ocean, Jen, Oni, Coco and our herd of outdoor cat are.
Home where my thoughts escaping
Home where my music's playing
Home where my love lies waiting
Silently for me
Homeward Bound – Simon and Garfunkel
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