I, happily, have very little contact with trolls.
The Urban Dictionary defines troll as
Why’s this come up this morning? Remember, WAY back on Wednesday, I posted about the braindead, hate-the-other meme that I came across on Facebook? This was a meme which claimed that our country is being destroyed from within by the newly elected Muslim congresspersons. It went on to offer further “proof” with the rock solid inanity that these Muslims did NOT swear their oath of office on the christian bible.
My actual reply:
This brought out a particularly talentless trump cheerleader who, like the rest of his ilk, felt he was a great wit. He began by calling me stupid, followed by telling me to go smoke another doobie, hippie. (ooo, sick burn! Wut? No?) He driveled on from there but I just couldn’t be arsed to read more of his pathetic attempts.
Clearly this ball-less chump is a bully without a clue (redudant? sorry.). If this had happened live and in person, I would’ve replied with something along the lines of :
This is another example of when it’s muy kosher to NOT take someone’s spewings personally. I’ve never met this cretinous pool of smelly rat feces NOR will I. This is the friend of an acquaintance on Facebook NOT someone of whom I’m at any risk of introduction.
Why didn’t I reply? The purpose of internet trolls is to, from a safe distance, let their inner bullies out to play. They need to puff up their infirm, broke-ass egos by ridiculing, condescending and, just generally, throwing weasel puke at anyone who disagrees with their fact-free, hateful snot-twaddle. That’s all. They’ve gotta prove (to who? Daddy?) that they’re, like totally, the smartest ones.
This is Hairplug Himmler’s (thanks Cap!) entire base now. He may have had otherrubes supporters in his camp BEFORE he moved into the White House BUT, since then, Preznint Ringworm Breath has proven himself to be incurably incompetent, a criminal and a total fucking asshole. Some of his groupies have fled. We’re all lucky, I guess, that he golfs more than he “works.”
The remaing marks, his reality eschewing, scutterin’ gobshites are stone faithful. They believe every lie he spews. Why? Dumpy-Trumpy hates all the same people as them and HE’S rich – you can tell because he’s on TV, bangs hot porn stars and plays golf whenever he wants. They want to BE him (or his best bud anyway). He makes them feel like maybe they’re NOT irredeemably stupid, personally repulsive and radically inadequate (if ya know what I mean and I think you do).
How’d I wrap up my troll? I blocked him and unfriended the acquaintance who posted the absurd meme. Life’s short and already hard enough – I don’t need bigots, misogynists and other substandard asswipes cluttering things up.
The Urban Dictionary defines troll as
One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argumentProvocative includes general condescending horseshit such as personal insults and slams.
Why’s this come up this morning? Remember, WAY back on Wednesday, I posted about the braindead, hate-the-other meme that I came across on Facebook? This was a meme which claimed that our country is being destroyed from within by the newly elected Muslim congresspersons. It went on to offer further “proof” with the rock solid inanity that these Muslims did NOT swear their oath of office on the christian bible.
My actual reply:
Being destroyed from within but NOT by the Muslims. It’s Mitch McConnell with his stonewalling, Trump with his hate and jobs killing tariffs and every senator who supports the grotesque charade down at our southern border. It’s wildly absurd to blame two Muslims who have MUCH less power.

Clearly this ball-less chump is a bully without a clue (redudant? sorry.). If this had happened live and in person, I would’ve replied with something along the lines of :
Look midget dick, it’s blindingly clear that you have serious, unresolved mommy/daddy issues. Get help before you lose another job and any of the friends you have left. Now, be a good waste of skin and go sit in a corner where you, possibly, won’t hurt yourself.

Why didn’t I reply? The purpose of internet trolls is to, from a safe distance, let their inner bullies out to play. They need to puff up their infirm, broke-ass egos by ridiculing, condescending and, just generally, throwing weasel puke at anyone who disagrees with their fact-free, hateful snot-twaddle. That’s all. They’ve gotta prove (to who? Daddy?) that they’re, like totally, the smartest ones.
This is Hairplug Himmler’s (thanks Cap!) entire base now. He may have had other
The remaing marks, his reality eschewing, scutterin’ gobshites are stone faithful. They believe every lie he spews. Why? Dumpy-Trumpy hates all the same people as them and HE’S rich – you can tell because he’s on TV, bangs hot porn stars and plays golf whenever he wants. They want to BE him (or his best bud anyway). He makes them feel like maybe they’re NOT irredeemably stupid, personally repulsive and radically inadequate (if ya know what I mean and I think you do).
How’d I wrap up my troll? I blocked him and unfriended the acquaintance who posted the absurd meme. Life’s short and already hard enough – I don’t need bigots, misogynists and other substandard asswipes cluttering things up.
The purpose of internet trolls is to, from a safe distance, let their inner bullies out to play.
ReplyDeleteThey also do it to get a rise out of you. Any sort of reaction validates them, or "feeds" them, as people say. So it's usually best not to reply. If you do reply, they'll just keep coming back and jabbing at you again, hoping for another reaction. I've found that totally ignoring them is the only method guaranteed to make them go away.
I'd so love to reply BUT, I know, starve a troll and...emmm...don't feed the trolls.
DeleteHow miserable their lives must be that THIS is how they shoot for attention.