Last week I had a headache for FIVE straight days. It wasn’t a bean killing migraine BUT, lemme just tell you, this was still NO bloody fun. Not one bit.
What was this about? Is ma tĂȘte’s tumor crop acting up or is it just the goddamed torrid temps on top of the sorrow and stress of the awful anniversary I just passed? //shrugs//
This week’s gonna be another sizzling scorcher and, though I’ve passed the big bad date, there really is NO end to stress.
Remember, way back, when we had a prez who did NOT rip toddlers from their parents and then stick them in concentration camps? I don’t think the previous President was ever accused of a raping 13 year old girl and then getting thugs to make death threats so’s she'd recant either. Ya know, seems to me that particular past president also knew that airplanes weren’t a thing during the Revolutionary War. He was a constitutional law scholar (remember?) AND gave us the Affordable Care Act – the first step towards Medicare for All. Yeah we used to have a radically smart, caring human being in the WH. Jesus I miss Obama.
And then there's our poor stressed planet.
Ya know how trees (MORE TREES NOW!) have long been a big fucking deal for me? Hells bells, it’s one of the reasons I stopped eating beef – all those forests decimated so that future Big Macs can graze.

A study published in Science mag proves (WITH science!) what I’ve long suspected.
Here at Valhalla by the Sea, we’ve only got room for one, MAYBE two more trees BUT I’m gonna lobby the town to start planting more on city owned land.
And in other neighborhoods of Stressville, there’s the huge crowd of folks running for the Democratic nomination for Prez. Who ARE all these folks?! John Scalzi has a VERY helpful post up over at Whatever. He ranks them and explains why he likes who he likes. His top two? Harris and Warren – me too! Biden comes in at number three with this reasoning:
Back at that five day headache – if Mr. Motherfucking Headache comes back for a return engagement, I’ll contact Doc Plotkin, my tumor minder. Possibly, it’s time to thin the herd in my head OR I just need more air-conditioning and more time on the damned, stress reducing elliptical. *sigh*

This week’s gonna be another sizzling scorcher and, though I’ve passed the big bad date, there really is NO end to stress.
Remember, way back, when we had a prez who did NOT rip toddlers from their parents and then stick them in concentration camps? I don’t think the previous President was ever accused of a raping 13 year old girl and then getting thugs to make death threats so’s she'd recant either. Ya know, seems to me that particular past president also knew that airplanes weren’t a thing during the Revolutionary War. He was a constitutional law scholar (remember?) AND gave us the Affordable Care Act – the first step towards Medicare for All. Yeah we used to have a radically smart, caring human being in the WH. Jesus I miss Obama.
And then there's our poor stressed planet.
Ya know how trees (MORE TREES NOW!) have long been a big fucking deal for me? Hells bells, it’s one of the reasons I stopped eating beef – all those forests decimated so that future Big Macs can graze.

The restoration of forested land at a global scale could help capture atmospheric carbon and mitigate climate change.SO then, PLANT SOME DAMN TREES! Do you really need a lawn that looks like a golf course or a baseball field? Do you need it MORE than your children and granchildren need breathable air?
The restoration of trees remains among the most effective strategies for climate change mitigation. We mapped the global potential tree coverage to show that 4.4 billion hectares of canopy cover could exist under the current climate. Excluding existing trees and agricultural and urban areas, we found that there is room for an extra 0.9 billion hectares of canopy cover, which could store 205 gigatonnes of carbon in areas that would naturally support woodlands and forests. (source)

And in other neighborhoods of Stressville, there’s the huge crowd of folks running for the Democratic nomination for Prez. Who ARE all these folks?! John Scalzi has a VERY helpful post up over at Whatever. He ranks them and explains why he likes who he likes. His top two? Harris and Warren – me too! Biden comes in at number three with this reasoning:
He’ll remind less engaged voters of the halcyon days of the Obama administration, when we had a president who wasn’t an active trash fire 24/7, and I think there’s some validity in the idea that Biden could get the votes of at least some of the dudes who voted for Trump in the last election because they were either overtly or latently sexist as shit and tried to hide it by being concerned about Clinton’s email rather than admitting their problem was that she was a woman and had been demonized by the GOP for over two decades running. (source)Once again, I agree. Go read the whole witty post. It’s way worth it.
Back at that five day headache – if Mr. Motherfucking Headache comes back for a return engagement, I’ll contact Doc Plotkin, my tumor minder. Possibly, it’s time to thin the herd in my head OR I just need more air-conditioning and more time on the damned, stress reducing elliptical. *sigh*
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