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Sunday, September 29, 2019

No sleep for the wicked

WHAT is the origin of this phrase!

Well, in my sleep deprived state, I got it slightly wrong.
But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.
~ Isaiah 57:20
"Rest" and "sleep" – ALMOST same/same.

This gets me to a quibble. I am SO not wicked. Unless of course that’s the Boston version of wicked. In which case I AM wicked awesome!

Do the wickedly awesome get a good night’s sleep? Can’t prove it by me, at least not last night.

If we’re NOT using the Boston wicked then it’s pretty damn obvs who’s not getting sleep on the vicious regular.

Just FYI, Halfwit Himmler’s child separating concentration camps are STILL a thing. They’ve not been in the daily news though. Why not? Also too, how many more people have to die in these camps before enough able bodied and brained Americans get sufficiently sick of the atrocities? We should be sticking ICE and their cruel troglodytian leaders in these camps instead.

Me? I'd just love to see Rep. Steve King (R-Ninth Circle of Hell Escapee) drinking from a toilet (and not for a seriously staged photo op) and sleeping on a cement floor. Why? For the insidious crime of impersonating (badly) a public servant.

I wonder how the man, (and I use that term loosely) who’s made so many of Preznint Psycho’s wet dreams come true, Moscow Mitch, sleeps. Badly, I hope.

What’d I do when I couldn’t sleep last night? Draw. Not well BUT painting a drawing are soothing