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Monday, September 30, 2019

The Down Side of Having a, Mostly, Black Cat , etc.

Coco started my day with a bang. While I was in the rainroom she vanished. She was NOT to be found Ten and I searched the house – it’s a small joint so this didn’t take long. No sign of her. Had she gotten out when Ten stepped onto the porch for a smoke? It could happen BUT he’s mega mindful of her adventurous inclinations so that seemed unlikely. But WHERE was she? It was still dead-of-night dark so, if she’d slipped out to play Daring Dora the Explorer there was no way we’d find her.

In a rare calm, mature moment I decided NOT to get my jammies all in a twist. If she’d gone on walk about, she’d be back. After all, this is where the unlimited pats, grub and treats live. Also, nights are getting chilly (FINALLY) and where else is she gonna find warm bodies to snuggle up with; warm bodies willing to wake and, uncomplaining, give her chin skritches at 2AM. We’re a hot commodity, ya know!

This rational mindset was a cadaverous veneer over my panic. I NEED that rotten little trickster beast!

Ten decided to make another more thorough hunt and found our little Houdini in a dark, back corner of my closet, all cozied up on a pile of warm, furry winter blankets. Naturally I had to take her fave blanky outta the closet and put it at the foot of our bed. Easier access for her and less frantic fussing for me – a win/win don’cha know.
These are some of the trees in our skinny side yard. This patch gets the most sun AND the ground’s not an inhospitable mess of rocks, metal plates and bad soil like the other sunless side yard. We don’t have much land at all.

It just drives me up the motherfucking walls to see yards that look more like golf course fairways.

As we drive by, I find myself screaming DO YOUR PART TO HELP SAVE THE PLANET – PLANT TREES!!!!! Seriously, do these homeowners not have children or grands OR care about the planet that we’re leaving for Willy Nelson or Keith Richards?

I totally understand that NOT everyone wants to live in the middle of a forest but a few trees or so ain't gonna do nothing but good AND they boost property values too! Hillel has a bunch of flat out gorgeous mature trees in his relativel small yard. When it's time for him and the wife to move on, those babies are gonna add serious dollar signs to the price.
I woke from a dream where Jen and I were in Dublin. This wasn’t a holiday – we were there to take me Da to his eye doc appointment. Apparently, his nursing home had jumped the pond and was now in an artsy, industrial-ish section of town that was new to me. Cool, cool BUT we had precious little time. Our flight left for Boston at 7PM and we still had to get Pop to his eye appointment, have a good visit with him AND we’d just been invited to a knees-up that promised to be just killah. HOW would we squeeze everything in before we had to hit the airport?

Simple. Apparently we now had the ability to stretch time. Ya know, make it fit our needs. Spandex Time!


  1. As you should well know, cats have an amazing ability to find new,
    obscure hiding spots for themselves. Let's face it, their
    unpredictability is part of their appeal.

    As a former Massachusetts resident now living on the left coast,
    I'm hoping to see lots of foliage pictures. (hint, hint)

    1. Foliage pic comin up!

      I stand in awe of Coco's creativity.
