I think Daady was Mata Harry for Halloween |

Have you ever been SO damn tired you were on the verge of tears? Yup, that was me AND Jen as our plane landed back here in Boston. All I wanted was to be in bed with Coco curled up on chest and Ten snuggled up by my side. Jen and I pulled into the driveway, Ten wonderfully, sweetly, ROMANTICALLY was
right there, opening the car door and holding my hand as we walked up the dark drive. Jen carried my pack for me, as she had throughout the entire trip, and brought it into the house. Christ I felt stratospherically cosseted and cared for.
So then, upon FINALLY hitting the rack after our very long, action packed, stressful day, I should’ve gotten off at that first exit straight for Z-Ville,
RIGHT? Nope! I lay there, still 40 miles beyond exhausted, wide-fucking-awake. Eventually, hours upon hours later, I drifted off on a ship of dreams only to wake on the hour. Why? Coco need to be patted. I had to pee. Ten rolled over (yes, it was a
very light sleep).
Lemme engage in a wee bit of prognostication – I see a nap in my future.
By the by, Daddy’s doc appointment was successful in that THIS eye guy understood the concept of a patient in a wheelchair, wasn’t thrown off AND was still actually able to do the exam. Unfortunately, Pop now needs cataract surgery.
Theoretically, he'll have the first eye done in a couple weeks and the next in early December. We'll see how he's doing after surgery numero uno.

Southwestern Pennsylvania, where Poppy lives is JUST past peak gorgeous
foliage time. Still saw some fab color though. One fascinating example,
which I haven’t seen up here – trees like bleach blonds, two months
overdue for a touch up. Dark green leaves closer to the trunk with
screamingly bright yellow everywhere else. Sadly, I didn’t get any pics
of these babies.

And speaking of bleach blondes…there was a woman
at the airport bar dressed in hip togs (if you shop at Sears) with THE
most perfectly tousled platinum/vanilla blond
do and
I’m-ready-for-my-close-up-now make up. She would’ve looked Hollywood
MAGNIFICENT if not for the hundred extra pounds she was toting around.
yourself a favor, sweetie, and pass on just one of the hours you spend
at the make up counter or in the stylist’s chair and spend it at the Y
instead. I do and, one of these days, I’ll shed those twenty
superfluous pounds of mine. Of course, I’ll still need a make over and,
even with that I’ll NEVAH look like
Sophia Loren.
I’d have a real sad over this BUT Sophia ain’t got Ten, Jen or Coco the
Magnificent. I do and, sorry/not sorry, I’m
not sharing
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