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Saturday, November 2, 2019

Let There Be WOIDS!

Ghost Word
a word that has come into existence by error rather than by normal linguistic transmission, as through the mistaken reading of a manuscript, a scribal error, or a misprint.

Cute, but a ghost word is one who haunts you in either of two ways:
1) it’s the abso perfect word to describe what’s on your mind but you JUST can’t think of it. It's dancing in the periphery of cogitation but never comes into clear view. Haunted.
2) it's that word that won’t go away – you cant stop using at every available opportunity no matter how chancy.

a wish or prayer for the repose of the dead. 

NO. This is a specific request for Cat. Ya know, I need an orange tabby stat. Or possibly, it’s a request FROM a cat. As in Coco making it abundantly clear that she must nap on my lap RIGHT NOW. She is uninterested in my annoying need to “work.”

a bristling of the hair on the skin from cold, fear, etc.; goose bumps.

OK but another, utterly plausible definition is this – it’s Trump's "hair." There’s an horrific mound on the orange Treason Monsters head – it’s an horripilation.

gruesome and horrifying; ghastly; horrible

A perfect descriptor of Preznint Gas Station Urinal Cake’s administration.

Armipotent is an archaic adjective meaning "strong in battle." Basically, it refers to someone who is physically tough in war.

I say we use it to describe the brave, heroic dudes who stopped Brock Rapey-boy Turner from further assaulting an unconscious woman BEHIND A DUMPSTER.

About the former judge and former girls tennis couch who sentenced Brock The Rapist to a day of ice cream sundaes, Star Wars movie marathons and a trip to the zoo – he didn’t want to destroy a fine young (White) athlete’s future.

One of the jurors spoke out saying to the judge:
"Justice has not been served in this case. The jury’s verdict of guilt on all three felony counts of sexual assault was completely disregarded in an effort to spare the perpetrator a ‘hardship’. What message does this send to [the victim], and indeed all victims of sexual assault and rape, especially those on college campuses? Your concern was for the impact on the assailant. I vehemently disagree, our concern should be for the victim. Shame on you.”
Before Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky managed to get himself fired he heard a similar case, only this boy was brown  No ice cream for him and it was three years in state prison versus three months in county.

Caliginous is an archaic adjective meaning "misty, dim, dark.”

OR it’s an adjective to describe someone who has much in common with Caligula.
(He) opened a brothel in the palace, raped whomever he wished and then reported her performance to her husband, committed incest, and killed for greed. In addition to all that, he thought he should be treated as a god. (sourcce)
Gosh does this sound like any one we know?
Among the people Caligula is alleged to have murdered or had murdered were his father, Tiberius; his cousin and adopted son Tiberius Gemellus; his grandmother Antonia Minor; his father-in-law, Marcus Junius Silanus; and his brother-in-law Marcus Lepidus, not to mention a large number of unrelated elites and citizens (source)
Use it in a sentence:
Trump’s caliginous crimes ARE going to catch up with him one day but NOT soon enough.

a line drawn on a weather map or chart that connects points at which the barometric pressure is the same.

It's actually where ISIS goes after work when they’ve JUST gotta have a Guinness.

extremely small; tiny; diminutive.

That's a perfect word to describe NOT ONLY Peznint Russian Boyfriend’s diminutive digits (I hear tell that Vlad really likes wee mushroom winkles) and also his brain power (Vlad also, famously, likes ‘em dumb)

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