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Monday, November 4, 2019

The Upside of MRIs

John Cole
I think I want to go back into my MRI necessitated Lorazapam, hot toddy two day haze.
Russell Vought, a Mulvaney protege who leads the White House Office of Management and Budget,  intends a concerted defiance of congressional subpoenas in coming days, and two of his subordinates will follow suit — simultaneously proving their loyalty to the president and creating a potentially critical firewall regarding the alleged use of foreign aid to elicit political favors from a U.S. ally. (source)
If there was any doubt at all that the entire Republican Party is nothing more that a craven, soulless, greedheaded cult, who worship nothing more than the almighty dollar and anyone who’s got a ton of ‘em:
The situation is simple: The Republican Party, both its politicians and its voters, has collectively decided that it's fine for Donald Trump to use his office to run an illegal extortion scheme against a foreign leader in an effort to cheat in the 2020 election. The moral rot of the Republican Party, and its cultist loyalty to a criminal president is the sole reason for this situation. (source)
They don’t give a good goddamn about the constitution OR the citizens of this country (unless they’re worth a cool coupla mil and hate all the same people they do – ya know, us little people)


And did ya notice? California is burning.
Fueled by climate change, a rainy spring followed by an extremely dry summer and fall, a crumbling utility grid infrastructure, the entire state of California has turned into tinder for thousands of fires sparking up and down the state. As of today, there are seven active fires. (source)
Trump’s imbecilic response (he’s capable of no other…DUH)
Trump said: “I was with the president of Finland and he said: ‘We have, much different, we are a forest nation.’ He called it a forest nation. And they spend a lot of time on raking and cleaning and doing things, and they don’t have any problem.”
For his part, Sauli Niinistö appears to recall the conversation somewhat differently. He said although he told Trump that the Finns took care of their forests, he did not specifically recall mentioning raking as part of the planning. (source)
Oh, and just in case you thought the felonious fuckery of stealing children away from their parents at the border stopped a year ago JUST because Trump and his band of brutally barbaric renfields were ordered to (BY A JUDGE).
Lawyers for the American Civil Liberties Union told a federal judge Tuesday that the Trump administration has taken nearly 1,000 migrant children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border since the judge ordered the United States government to curtail the practise more than one year ago. (source)
In order to calm the fuck down about all this shit, I believe I'll hit the gym, elliptical my sweet ta-tas off and the send another check off to the ACLU. Help fund the fight!