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Sunday, November 3, 2019

F*ckery Comes Home To Roost

Cap begins his latest round up with this:
I honestly can’t tell the difference anymore between reading the news and having a dozen evil clowns shriek directly into my ear while punching me in the temples.
Yup, In my case, I can’t tell if it’s my collection of goddamn meningiomas trying to chainsaw their way outta ma tĂȘte, stealing the silverware (which they keep dropping) as they go. 

THAT’S what reading the news is like here in America now.

not just foreign children anymore!
Did you know, 400,000 more children have become uninsured since Trump took office.
From a study by the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute stud:y
  • The number of uninsured children in the United States increased by more than 400,000 between 2016 and 2018 bringing the total to over 4 million uninsured children in the nation.
  • These coverage losses are widespread with 15 states showing statistically significant increases in the number and/or rate of uninsured children (Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia), and only one state (North Dakota) moving in the right direction.
  • Loss of coverage is most pronounced for white children and Latino children (some of which may fall into both categories), young children under age 6, and children in low- and moderate- income families who earn between 138 percent and 250 percent of poverty.
  • States that have not expanded Medicaid to parents and other adults under the Affordable Care Act have seen increases in their rate of uninsured children three times as large as states that have.
WHY ELSE are the kiddles uninsured?
Several factors have contributed to the bump in uninsured rates for children, the center says. They include: efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act and cut Medicaid, delays in funding the Children's Health Insurance Plan, the effective elimination of the individual mandate penalty, cuts to Affordable Care Act enrollment outreach and advertising and an increase in state-based eligibility checks for Medicaid
Also, the Trump administration's crackdown on immigration has discouraged parents from enrolling eligible children in public programs, leading to a rise in uninsured Latino children in particular. (source)
US News and Word Report found that these ten states have the best records for providing access to quality health care and keeping their populations healthy.

Minnesota, Utah, Maryland, California, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Washington, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Hawaii

If you're not screamingly wealthy, move to one of these states. If you’re REALLY pro-life, NOT just pro-fetus, move here

Gee I wonder if those Evangelicals praying over their sent-from-gawd ruler understand how many deaths his edicts, his decrees have caused. Would they even care?

Evangelical has become a swear word – the worst insult you can throw. They are the epitome of hypocrisy. They twist themselves in rhetorical knots in their efforts to make their supposed lord’s words match their very own prejudices and fears. Their leaders, their preachers are monstro corrupt – fleecing the flock while they preach hatred for the other all the while guiding them to vote for the most reprehensible examples of rancourous, venomous hate made flesh.

Me I steer way fucking clear of anyone claiming the title evangelical or fundamentalist, If you call yourself a “christian” you better be able to back that up with some awesome beliefs and deeds that’d make Jesus proud. 
