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Thursday, February 6, 2020

Drag Queen Story Hour

Do you know about Drag Queen Story Hourr? I SO wish this had been a thing when I was a tot. How fun, glam and mega cool! I would have felt less strange and that it was AOK to be me had I spent some quality time with queens.
Once upon a time, at a public library in San Francisco, a drag queen arrived at story time and read to the children she met there.
The children — no strangers to playing make believe — had fun, and soon the idea of drag queens hosting story time spread to New York. (source
As you probably expect, the WE-are-the-ONLY-real-christians Squad, the Republi/Facists have big probs with this. Of course they do – bless their hypocritical, money grubbing, dimwitted, homophobic, misogynistic, ice-cold hearts.

A lawmaker, a theoretical public servant in Missouri has proposed a book ban. 

An aside: to our puerile, inane, imbecile pResident – Missouri is the state where Kansas City is located. Yes, I know that’s confusing. Maybe someone can point it out to you on a map?

"The "Parental Oversight of Public Libraries Act,"...calls for the creation of a panel made up of non-library workers who will determine the removal of "age-inappropriate sexual material," from their local branch. 
Libraries that don't comply will lose their funding. Library employees providing material deemed inappropriate would be hit with a misdemeanor charge and liable for a $500 fine or a maximum jail sentence of a year, according to the bill's current language." (source
  1. Who makes up this panel? Child Development Pros or Sally and Fred from the local, big box, toxic, evangelical emporium?
  2. This bill assumes, seems to me, that parents aren’t already monitoring and approving (or not) what their grade school children are bringing home. If I was a parent, I’d find this brazenly presumptuous.
While Drag Queen Story Hour isn’t specifically mentioned in the bill that’s the target
“I can also assure you the taxpayers aren’t interested in seeing their hard-earned dollars being used to teach teenage boys how to become drag queens,” he (the bill’s author) wrote. (source)
I only mention it but…those Drag Queens? They’re not handing out makeup, boob simulation or how-to-walk-in-stilettos tips. Nope. They’re reading to kiddles – boys AND girls – who have not yet hit adolescence. Also too, you can keep your kids in the dark about sex – straight, gay and no-thanks – but they WILL be who they are once they leave your home if not earlier.

That state lawmaker? It’s Ben Baker - (Cretinous Idiot) Missouri. Since being elected in 2018 all his proposed legislation seems designed to make his religion law and fuck up the lives of children.

Unsurprisingly, Ben got his “B.A.” from one of those christianist Republi/Fascist indoctrination centers, where you’re primarily taught how to be a smug, self-righteous, condescending asswad.

It took him five years but Tiny-Bean Baker graduated with a degree in “Biblical Literature“ from the Ozark Bible Institute. Seriously. Essentially, this qualifies him to be a viciously judgmental little prick and nothing more.

This narrow-minded, delusional feeb considers himself to be mega astute, wise and totally qualified to make decisions for all of Missouri’s children. Sadly, this asinine simpleton was able to reproduce. He’s got four kids of his own – all girls and yes, I feel sorry for them.


  1. Who makes up this panel? Child Development Pros or Sally and Fred from the local, big box, toxic, evangelical emporium?

    It's gonna be Sally and Fred. This initiative is from those "somebody's got to stand up to the experts" types. Otherwise they'd just leave running the library to the librarians.
